Call #: Shortt FC3651 .A33 v.26 no.4 1978
Author: Pennefather, John P.
Title: A Surgeon with the Alberta Field Force
Notes: Pennefather was a medical doctor who had emigrated from England to Manitoba in 1880. The article is an extract from his pamphlet, Thirteen Years on the Prairies (London, 1892). When the Resistance broke out he was offered the position of surgeon to Colonel Osborne Smith's Winnipeg Light Infantry. He describes the conditions they encountered on their march to capture Big Bear and the battle of Frenchman's Butte.
Subject: Frenchman's Butte
Mistahimaskwa (Big Bear) Plains Cree Chief
Northwest Field Force - 1885
Journal: Alberta History, vol. 26, no. 4, Autumn 1978, pp. 1-14.

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