Call #: Shortt FC3651 .A33 v.16 no.3 1968
Author: Peel, Bruce
Title: Steamboats on the Saskatchewan
Notes: Much of the information is repeated from the author's previous article (see Shortt FC3651 .A33 no 4). However, he does provide an additional explanation about the use of the Marquis and North West in the campaign against Poundmaker and Big Bear, and the misadventures of the Northcote as a gunboat in the battle of Batoche.
Subject: Freighting - Saskatchewan - 1885
Steamboats - Saskatchewan - 1885
Battle of Batoche, 1885 - Northcote
Northwest Rebellion, 1885 - Battles
Journal: Alberta Historical Review, vol. 16, no. 3, Summer 1968, pp. 11-21.

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