LES SERVICES SOCIAUX


See also, e.g., MEDICINE AND HEALTH; AIDS/HIV; and

SOCIOLOGY – ADDICTIONS sections for related material.


L’Adaptation des services sociaux  et de santé aux réalités homosexuelles.

                       SEE entry at Québec (Province). Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux,

                        in this section.


Adapting Health and Social Services to Homosexuals.

                        SEE entry at Québec (Province). Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux.

                        L’Adaptation des services…, in this section.


Appleby, George Alan.

                        “Framework for Practice with Working-Class Gay and Bisexual Men.”

                        Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services 12(3-4)(2001): 5-46.

                                                Geographically broader than scope of this bibliography.

                                                “75 gay and bisexual men…from the US, Canada, New Zealand,

                                                and Australia were interviewed face-to-face” – from PsycINFO



Aronson, Jane.

                       “Lesbians Giving and Receiving Care: Stretching Conceptualizations of

                        Caring and Community.”  Women’s Studies International Forum 21(5)

                        (Sept.-Oct. 1998): 505-519.

                                                Study of 15 lesbians in urban southern Ontario “caring for & being

                                                cared for by other lesbians in the context of partnerships, friendships,

                                                & community networks…” – from Sociological Abstracts.


Ballan, Michelle S.

                        “Disability and Sexuality within Social Work Education in the USA and Canada:

                        The Social Model of Disability as a Lens for Practice.”  Social Work Education

                        27(2) (March 2008): 194-202.

                                                Ref.: PsycINFO index, which provides abstract and notes that the paper

                                                “provides examples of didactic material and classroom and field exercises

                                                that integrate critical subject matter on sexual orientation and



Bella, Leslie, and Yetman, Lori.

                        Challenging Heterosexism: Towards Non-Heterosexist Policy and Regulation in

                        Health and Social Security Agencies.  Leslie Bella, principal researcher; Lori

                        Yetman, research coordinator.  Halifax, N.S.: Maritime Centre of Excellence

                        For Women’s Health, 2000.

                        (ca. 52 p.)

                                                Ref.: AMICUS catalogue record no. 26226601.


Berthelot, Pierre.

                        “Service social auprès des gais et intervention de groupe.”  Service social

                        37(1/2) (1988): 197-213.

                                                “Compte rendu des résultats d’un groupe de croissance personelle”—

                                                Repère résumé.


Billy, Pierre de.

                        “Et toi Savha?”  Justice 14(6) (été 1992): 41-42.

                                                “Présentation du nouveau service d’accueil et d’accompagnement aux

                                                victimes homosexuelles d’aggression sexuelle à Montréal” – Repère



Brotman, Shari, et al.

                        “Coming Out to Care: Caregivers of Gay and Lesbian Seniors in Canada.”

                        Gerontologist 47(4)(August 2007): 490-503.

                                                Methodology involved “open-ended interviews…with 17 caregivers

                                                living in three different cities across Canada….”

                                                Ref.: ERIC document no. EJ 774999.

                                                SEE additional relevant Brotman works in SOCIOLOGY – OLDER

                                                GAYS AND LESBIANS section of this list.


Brotman, Shari, et al.

                        “Health and Social Service Needs of Gay and Lesbian Elders and Their Families

                        in Canada.”  Gerontologist 43(2)(April 2003): 192-202.


Cain, Roy.

                        “Devoting Ourselves, Devouring Each Other: Tensions in Community-based

                        AIDS Work.”  Journal of Progressive Human Services 13(1) (2002): 93-113.

                                                Ref.: PsycINFO index, which provides abstract and notes that the paper

                                                “draws primarily on interview data from a study of the evolution of

                                                12 AIDS service organizations in Canada.  It describes and analyzes some

                                                of the tensions and conflicts common in these organizations….”


Caring for Transgender Adolescents in BC: Suggested Guidelines.

                        Saskatoon, Sask.: Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition : Transcend,

                        Transgender Support & Education Society ; Vancouver, BC: Vancouver

                        Coastal Health Coalition, c2006.

                        (1 vol, various pagings; listed in reference as electronic resource, with access

                        by subscription; see ref. for additional information)

                                                Ref.: AMICUS catalogue record no. 33777895.

                                                NOTE entry below, Guidelines for Transgender Care,

                                                for an open access document of similar title.


Christopher, Nathaniel.

                        “Queer in Care: A First-hand Account of Being Queer in Foster Care.”

                        Relational Child and Youth Care Practice [Nanaimo, BC] 18(2) (Fall 2005):


                                                Note other entry by this author, below.


Christopher, Nathaniel.

                        “Youth from Care, BA. : The Barriers to University Faced by a Former Youth

                        in Care.”  Relational Child and Youth Care Practice [Nanaimo, BC] 18(2)

                        (Fall 2005): 19-28.

                                                Note also other entry by this author, “Queer in Care,” above.


Chutter, Kerry.

                        “Opening Our Awareness to Heterosexist and Homophobic Attitudes in Society.”

                        Relational Child and Youth Care Practice [Nanaimo, BC] 20(3)(Fall 2007):22-27.


Clermont, Michel.

                        Santé, bien-être et homosexualité: éléments de problématique et pistes

                        d’intervention.  Québec: Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux,

                        Direction générale de la planification et de l’évaluation, 1996.

                        (56 p.; ISBN 2550257154)


Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights in Ontario.

                        Systems Failure: A Report on the Experiences of Sexual Minorities in Ontario’s

                        Health Care and Social Services Systems: Final Report.  Toronto: Coalition

                        for Lesbian and Gay Rights in Ontario, 1997.

                        (149 p.)


Connections! : A Resource Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Intersex, Bisexual, Two-spirit,

                        Transgender, Questioning and Queer Youth in BC.  [Vancouver, BC:

                        Little Sister’s, 2004?].

                        (unpaged; no ISBN given)

                                                Ref.: AMICUS catalogue record no. 30902583.


Cullen, James.

                        “Correlates with Homophobia among Social Work Students.”  MSW thesis,

                        York University, 1994.

                        (119 p.)

                                                “Measured levels of homophobia among social work students in

                                                selected schools of social work in Ontario” – abstract from Canadian

                                                Research Index.


De Castell, Suzanne, and Jenson, Jennifer.

                        No Place Like Home: Sexuality, Community, and Identity among

                        Street-involved ‘Queer and Questioning’ Youth.” McGill Journal of Education

                        41(3)(Fall 2006): 227-247.

                                                Ref.: ERIC document index no. EJ768620


Etude sur les attentes des usagers en provenance des communautés gaie et lesbienne

                        et des femmes victimes de violence à l’égard des services sociaux et de santé:

                        rapport d’analyse.  Collaboration: Leger & Leger et Régie régionale de la

                        santé et des services sociaux de Montréal-Centre.  Montréal: la Régie régionale,


                        (111 p.)


Evaluation du projet: “Planification d’une structure d’accueil en Montérégie

                        destinée aux jeunes hommes de 15 à 24 ans ayant des comportements

                        homosexuels”: rapport de recherche.  Préparé par Joanne Otis et al. pour

                        L’Unité de santé publique de l’Hôpital Charles Lemoyne, Régie régionale de

                        la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie.  Longueuil, Québec:

                        L’Unité, 1994-  .

                                                “Doit comprendre 4 vol.” – Bibliothèque nationale du Québec.

                                                Ptie 1. “Appréciation de la structure et du processus de la

                                                formation offerte aux intervenants: intervenir dans le respect

                                                de la diversité des orientations sexuelles.” (ISBN 289342029X)

                                                BNQ n’a que la première partie.


Fédération des CLSC du Québec.

                        Consultation publique sur la discrimination et la violence dont sont victimes

                        les lesbiennes et gais du Québec: mémoire déposé par la Fédération

                        des CLSC du Québec à la Commission des droits de la personne du

                        Québec.  Montréal: la Fédération, 1993.

                        (10 p.; ISBN 2921524317)


Finnigan, B., and Spiece, A.

                        “The Gay Counselling Centre of Toronto: An Historical and Theoretical Analysis.”

                        Unpublished independent inquiry project, Carleton University, Ottawa, 1983.

                                                Ref.: Brian O’Neill, Social Services to Homosexuals in Ontario,

                                                listed elsewhere in this bibliography, and which provides abstract, p. 38.


Frazer, Danica.

                        “Changing Agency Policy and Practice to Support the Inclusion of Gays and

                        Lesbians as Therapeutic Foster Parents.”  Master’s Practicum dissertation,

                        Nova University.

                        (207 p.; 3 microfiche)

                                                “This practicum targeted a multi-service child and youth care agency

                                                in which lesbian women and gay men were implicitly exluded from

                                                serving as therapeutic foster parents.  The setting…is a not-for-

                                                profit, provincially chartered, and publicly-funded organization,

                                                headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta….The practicum was designed…

                                                to advance the acceptance of gays and lesbians as therapeutic foster

                                                parents within the agency” – NISC Gay & Lesbian Abstracts; provided

                                                by ERIC.  Document available from EDRS, Springfield, Virginia.


Guidelines for Transgender Care.

                        Vancouver, BC: Vancouver Coastal Health Authority [etc.], [2006].

                        (  v.)

                                                Ref.: AMICUS catalogue record no. 32810620, which provides

                                                electronic address for seven substantial documents at:


                                                (viewed September 25, 2008).

See this entry, also placed in MEDICINE section, for more extensive annotation.


“In Support of Equal Marriage for Same-sex Couples.”  Canadian Social Work [Bulletin]

                        5(2) (August 2003): 4

                                                Ref.: CBCA index.


An Introduction to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Two-spirited

                        Communities: A Guide to Social Work Students.  Prepared at Project

                        Interaction, McGill University of Social Work.  Montreal: McGill University

                        School of Social Work, [200-?].

                                                See information at:

                                                (viewed October 14, 2008).

                                                NOTE: Title also given beginning with the phrase: Student Manual.


Isaac, Barbara, and Herringer, Barbara M.

                        “Pinking the Ivories: Academic Outings in Social Work.”  Canadian Woman

                        Studies 16(2) (Spring 1996): 73-76.


Jacobsen, Elaine E.

                        “Lesbian and Gay Adolescents: A Social Work Approach.”  Social Worker 56(2)

                        (Summer 1988): 65-68.


Josephson, Dean (Jaik) Rea.

                        “Creating Accessible Counselling Services for Lesbians and Gays.”

                        MSW thesis, University of Manitoba, 1997.

                        (180 p.)

                                                “Explores the barriers faced by gays and lesbians in accessing relevant

                                                and non-biased counselling services” – abstract from Canadian Research



Julien, Danielle; Bégin, Jean; and Chartrand, Élise.

                        Les personnes homosexuelles, bisexuelles et hétérosexuelles au Québec :

                        une analyse comparative selon les données de l’enquête sociale et de santé

                        1998 : rapport final présenté au Bureau de la recherche du Ministère de la

                        santé et des services sociaux.  Montréal : s.n., 2002.

                        (60 p.; ISBN 2921977087)

                                                Ref. : AMICUS catalogue no. 28009208.


Kitchen, K. Russell.

                        “An Exploratory-Descriptive Study of Social Work Students’ Ratings on Scales

                        Testing for Fear of AIDS and Homophobia.”  MSW thesis, University of

                        Windsor, 1992.

                        (130 p.)

                                                Sample of 89 undergraduate and graduate University of Windsor social

                                                work students – abstract from Canadian Research Index.


Langen, Scott.

                        “Calling for Help.”  This Magazine 28(3) (Sept./Oct. 1994): 26  (453 words).

                                                Lesbian-gay-bisexual youth hotline.


Lenskyj, Helen.

                        “Often Invisible: Conference on Counselling Gay and Lesbian Youth:

                        March 29, 1989, Toronto.”  Resources for Feminist Research 18(2)

                        (June 1989): 37-38.


LGTB Health Matters: An Education & Training Resource for Health and Social

                        Service Sectors.  Vancouver: LGTB Centre, c2006.

                        (162 p.)

                                                Ref. : AMICUS catalogue record no. 33940424.


The Living Guide to Services for People in the Toronto Area Living with HIV or

                        AIDS.  Prepared by the AIDS Committee of Toronto and the HIV/AIDS

                        Cultural Network of Metropolitan Toronto & Surrounding Area with the

                        assistance of the Community Information Centre of Metropolitan Toronto.

                        2nd ed.; Toronto: ACN, HIV/AIDS Cultural Network; ACT, AIDS Committee

                        of Toronto, c1996.

                        (188 p.; ISBN 0921918208)

                                                First edition: Toronto: AIDS Committee of Toronto, 1992  (156 p.;

                                                (ISBN 0921918143)


Mallon, Gerald P.

                        “Sticks and Stones Can Break Your Bones: Verbal Harassment and Physical

                        Violence in the Lives of Gay and Lesbian Youths in Child Welfare

                        Settings.” In From Hate Crimes to Human Rights: A Tribute to Matthew

                        Shepard, pp. 63-81.  Edited by Mary E. Swigonski et al.  New York:

                        Haworth Press, 2001.

                                                Ref.: PsycINFO electronic index.

                                                “Explores the experiences and lives of gay and lesbian youths

                                                in child welfare agencies in three cities (New York, Los Angeles,

and Toronto).”  Same author/title in Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social

Services 13(1-2)(2001): 63-81.


Mallon, Gerald P.

                                    We Don’t Exactly Get the Welcome Wagon: The Experiences of Gay and

                                    Lesbian Adolescents in Child Welfare Systems.  New York: Columbia

                                    University Press, c1998.

                                    (193 p.; ISBN 0231104545; 0231104553)

                                                            “[F]ocuses on the multiple experiences of fifty-four gay/lesbian

                                                            adolescents in U.S. and Canadian out-of-home child welfare systems”

                                                            (p. 2)


McGeough, Kristina.

                        “The Experience of Long-term Care for Gay and Lesbian Elders.”

                        M.Sw. research report, School of Social Work, McGill University, [2005?].

                        (ca. 48 p.)

                                                Ref.: AMICUS catalogue record no. 34096482.


McGrath, Susan, et al.

            “Seeking Social Justice: Community Practice within Diverse Marginalized

            Populations in Canada.”  Social Development Issues 29(2) (2007): 77-96.

                                                Ref.: CSA Sociological Abstracts, which provides abstract.

                                                Broader than scope of this bibliography. This is a “study of social

development practitioners serving four specific groups,” one group

of which is “gay/lesbian/bisexual/transsexual/transgendered individuals.”


Mimeault, Isabelle, 1969-

            Pour le dire-- : rendre les services sociaux et les services de santé accessibles

            aux lesbiennes.  Montréal : Reseau québécois d’action pour la santé des femmes,


            (222 p.; ISBN 298064366X)

                                                Ref. : AMICUS catalogue record no. 28485333.

                                                Note : A 21-page “résumé du rapport de recherche” is given separate

                                                AMICUS catalogue entry 28639242.

SEE ALSO English translation of the 21-page summary, titled: Silent No

More: Making Health and Social Services Accessible to Lesbians:

Research Report Summary , listed as AMICUS record no. 30918774

(ISBN 2923269047)

SEE ALSO a similar title by author in Canadian Woman Studies 24 (2-3)

(Winter-Spring 2005): 39-42 (ref.: CBCA index)


Moore, Barry, and Moore, Paul.

                        “‘Out’ and ‘In’: Homophobic Issues in Residential Care.”  Journal of Child and

                        Youth Care [Calgary] 13(4) (1999): 29-34.

                                                Youth group homes and homophobia.  Journal is University of Calgary

                                                Press publication.


Mulé, Nick J.

                        “Equity vs. Invisibility: Sexual Orientation Issues in Social Work Ethics and

                        Curricula Standards.”  Social Work Education 25(6) (September 2006): 608-622.

                                                Ref.: PsycINFO index, which provides abstract and notes that

                                                the “responsibility of the social work profession to be inclusive and

                                                equitable…is reviewed…[and that] a comparative review of Canada, the

                                                United Kingdom…and the United States…and international standards

regarding sexual orientation issues in social workcodes of ethics

                                                and curricula standards was undertaken….” 



Mule, Nick.

                        “Social Work and the Provision of Health Care and Social Services to Sexual

                        Minority Populations [Ontario].”  Canadian Social Work 1(1) (Fall 1999):



Mykhalovskiy, Eric, and Smith, George W.

                        Hooking Up to Social Services: A Report on the Barriers People Living with

                        HIV/AIDS Face Accessing Social Services.  Toronto: Community AIDS

                        Treatment Information Exchange, [1994], c1993.

                        (63 p.; ISBN 1896135048)

                                                Ref.: AMICUS catalogue record no. 13426274.

                                                Summary in English and French.


Norgang, Gloria, and Roome, Roger, eds.

                        For You, For Us: A Manual for the Helping Professional.  Ottawa, Ont.: Pink

                        Triangle Services = Service du triangle rose, c1989.

                        (ca. 39 p.)

                                                Ref.: AMICUS catalogue record no. 10127847.


O’Brien, Carol-Anne.

                        “The Social Organization of the Treatment of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth

                        in Group Homes and Youth Shelters.”  Canadian Review of Social Policy 34

                        (1994): 37-57.


O’Brien, Carol-Anne; Travers, Robb; and Bell, Laurie.

                        No Safe Bed: Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth in Residential Services.

                        Toronto: Central Toronto Youth Services, 1993.

                        (54 p.; ISBN 0921708084)


O’Neill, Brian.

                        “Canadian Social Work Education and Same-Sex Sexual Orientation.”

                        Canadian Social Work Review 12(2)(Summer 1995): 159-174.


O’Neill, Brian Joseph.

                        “Canadian Social Work Education from the Standpoint of Gay Men.”

                        DSW dissertation, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1994.

                        (234 p.)

                                                “Findings are that issues related to same-gender sexual orientation are

                                                excluded and marginalized in social work education discourse” –

                                                abstract from Canadian Research Index/UMI.


O’Neill, B[rian Joseph].

                        “Improving Life Chances: Program Planning for Minorities.”  Unpublished

                        manuscript, Wilfrid Laurier University, Faculty of Social Work, Waterloo,

                        Ontario, 1989.

                                                Ref.: Brian O’Neill, Social Services to Homosexuals in Ontario, p. 38:

                                                the document “applies the limited rationality model of program planning

                                                to the development of services for homosexuals.”  Author says prejudices

                                                against and special needs of lesbians and gay men should be noted at each

                                                stage of planning services.


O’Neill, B[rian Joseph].

                        “Proposal for the Evaluation of the Professional Counselling Program of the

                        Toronto Counselling Centre for Lesbians and Gays.”  Unpublished manuscript,

                        Wilfrid Laurier University, Faculty of Social Work, Waterloo, Ontario, 1989.

                                                Ref.: Brian O’Neill, Social Services to Homosexuals in Ontario, p. 39,

                                                which provides abstract.


O’Neill, Brian.

“Social Work with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Members of Racial and Ethnic

Minority Groups.”  In Professional Social Service Delivery in a Multicultural

World. Edited by Gwat-Yong Lie and Dave Este.  Toronto: Canadian Scholars’

Press, 1999.


O’Neill, Brian [Joseph], and Naidoo, Josephine.

                        Social Services to Homosexuals in Ontario: Major Issues and Annotated

                        Bibliography.  Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier Printing Services, 1989.

                        (59 p.)

                                                Authors at Wilfrid Laurier University.  Copy of document seen at

                                                University of Toronto, Robarts Library.


O’Neill, Brian [Joseph], and Naidoo, Josephine.

                        “Social Services to Lesbians and Gay Men in Ontario: Unrecognized Needs.”

                        Social Worker 58(3) (1990): 101-104.


Pinker, Susan.

                        “A Tip of the Cap for McGill Professor [Pierre Tellier].”  Canadian Medical

                        Association Journal 160(7) (April 6, 1999): 1108.

                                                Award for work with community centre for street kids.


Pour une nouvelle vision de l’homosexualité

            SEE the two separate references, both inserted at each of  EDUCATION and

            YOUTH ISSUES sections of this list.


Pride & Prejudice: Working with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth.

                       SEE entry at Schneider, Margaret S., in this section.


“Project Affirmation: Service Equity for Lesbians and Gay Men.”

                        Healthsharing [Toronto] 14(2) (Summer 1993): 32-33.

                                                Equal access to health services and social services.


Québec (Province). Conseil permanent de la jeunesse.

                        Durablement vôtre : document de synthèse de l’évènement mission : durable,

                        pour un développement dans le vent!  Recherche et rédaction, Alexandre

Meunier; collaboration, Hélène Dumais, Danielle Gagnon, Francine Griffith. 

                        Québec : Conseil permanent de la jeunesse, c2007.

                        (191 p.; ISBN 9782550517108)

                                                Ref.: AMICUS catalogue record no. 34310471, which notes that item

                                                also available on the Internet.  Catalogue record notes descriptors

                                                concerning services to adolescent/young homosexuals in Quebec and

                                                prevention of homophobia in Quebec secondary schools.


Québec (Province). Conseil permanent de la jeunesse.

                        Sortons l’homophobie du placard – et de nos écoles secondaires. 

                        Recherche et rédaction, Lorraine Fournier; comité de travail, Sophie Paquet…

                        et al.; collaboration, Danielle Gagnon, Francine Griffith.  Québec : Conseil

                        permanent de la jeunesse, c2007.

                        (128 p.; ISBN 9782550497462)

                                                Ref. : AMICUS catalogue record no. 34310461, which notes that work

                                                also available on the Internet. A second AMICUS record, no. 34013045,

                                                is for an electronic record “restricted to subscribing institutions.”

                                                Descriptors concern service in Quebec to adolescent homosexuals and

                                                prevention of homophobia in Quebec secondary schools.


Québec (Province). Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux.

                        L’Adaptation des services sociaux et de santé aux réalités homosexuelles:

                        orientations ministérielles.  Québec: la Ministère, 1997.

(33 p.; ISBN 2550319281; Microlog no. 100-02265, with fiche containing French

and    English texts)

                                                Available in English under title: Adapting Health and Social Services

                                                to Homosexuals: Department Orientations. (ISBN 2551178355)

                                                “This document proposes eliminating discrimination and giving gays,

                                                lesbians and bisexuals throughout Quebec access to better health and

                                                social services” – abstract from Canadian Research Index.


Rassemblement national des lesbiennes et gais du Québec.  Comité sur les services


                        Les Services sociaux vs les lesbiennes et les gais du Québec: un dossier noir.

                        Montréal: RNLGQ, 1979.

                        (1 vol.)


Removing Barriers + Building Access: A Resource Manual on Providing Culturally

                        Relevant Services to Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Bisexual Victims of

                        Violence.  Vancouver, BC: LGBT Centre, c2004.

                        (1 vol. (various pagings))

                                                Ref. : AMICUS catalogue record no. 33940434.


Rights and Remedies: A Public Forum on Quality of Access to Health and

                        Social Services for Lesbians and Gay Men, April 19, 1993, Toronto City Hall,

                        Council Chamber.  Toronto: City Clerk’s Dept., 1993.

                        (56 p.)

                                                “Produced for the Toronto Mayor’s Committee on Community and

                                                Race Relations and the Committee on Lesbian and Gay Issues in Toronto

                                                by the City Clerk’s Department, City of Toronto” –Cover.


Ristock, Janice L.

                        “Decentering Heterosexuality: Responses of Feminist Counselors to Abuse in

                        Lesbian Relationships.”  Women & Therapy 23(3)(2001): 59-72.

                                                “Reports on research involving eight focus group discussions

                                                with 70 feminist counselors who respond in their work to

                                                abuse in lesbian relationships” – from Sociological Abstracts


                                                Author affiliation: University of Manitoba, Women’s Studies



Ross, Becki.

                        “‘Down at the Whorehouse?’: Reflections on Christian Community Service and

                        Female Sex Deviance at Toronto’s Street Haven, 1965-1969.” 

                        Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal 23(1) (1998): 48-59.

                                                “Instrumental to the Haven’s vision was the promotion of respectable

                                                (heterosexual) femininity….This was a formidable assignment given that,

                                                according to Walpole [the director], ‘eighty to eighty-five percent of the

                                                Haven drop-ins were either lesbians or in lesbian relationships” –p. 48.

                                                Historical article on social service.


Ryan, Bill; Malowaniec, Leah; and Brotman, Shari.

                        “Outcomes of the National Meeting of Canadian Researchers in the Field of

                        Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Two-spirit People’s Health.”  Canadian Social

                        Work 4(1) (Fall 2002): 43-54.


Ryan, Bill, et al.

                        “Transforming Schools of Social Work into Spaces of Social Action: A Critical

                        Exploration of Project Interaction, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Two-

                        Spirit Initiative of McGill University’s School of Social Work.”

                        Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 22(2) (Fall 2003): 69-84.

                                                Ref.: CBCA index.


Saewyc, Elizabeth M., et al.

                        “Hazards of Stigma: The Sexual and Physical Abuse of Gay, Lesbian, and

                        Bisexual Adolescents in the United States and Canada.”  Child Welfare 85(2)

                        (March-April 2006): 195-213.

                                                This periodical issue is special issue: LGBTQ Youth in Child Welfare.


Schlesinger, B.

                        “The Gay Community in Social Work Literature (1977-1982): A Review.”

                        The Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN)

                        Journal 18(3) (1983): 9-13.

                                                Ref.: Brian O’Neill, Social Services to Homosexuals in

                                                Ontario, p. 51, which has abstract.


Schneider, Margaret.

                        “Developing Services for Lesbian and Gay Adolescents.”  Canadian Journal of

                        Community Mental Health 10(1) (1991): 133-151.


Schneider, Margaret.

                        Often Invisible: Counselling Gay & Lesbian Youth.  Toronto: Central Toronto

                        Youth Services, 1988.

                        (135 p.; ISBN 0921708009)


Schneider, M[argaret].

                        “The Sexual Orientation and Youth Project.”  SIECCAN Journal 3(1)

                        (1988): 8-12.

                                                Ref.: Brian O’Neill, Social Services to Homosexuals in Ontario, p. 49:

                                                abstract gives that article “sketches the development of a program to

                                                enhance the provision of services to homosexual youth by mainstream

                                                social agencies.”


Schneider, Margaret, ed.

                        Pride & Prejudice: Working with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth.

                        Toronto: Central Toronto Youth Services, c1997.

                        (262 p.; ISBN 0921708181)

                                                Central Toronto Youth Services is a community-based mental health

                                                centre serving high risk and hard-to-serve youth in downtown Toronto.

                                                The Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth Program is one of its many



Schneider, Margaret, and Tremble, Bob.

                        “Gay or Straight?: Working with the Confused Adolescent.”  Journal of Social

                        Work & Human Sexuality 4(1-2) (1986): 71-82.


Schneider, Margaret, and Tremble, Bob.

                        “Training Service Providers to Work with Gay or Lesbian Adolescents: A

                        Workshop.”  Journal of Counseling & Development 65(2) (1986): 98-99.


Simpson, Bonnie.

                        Opening Doors: Making Substance Abuse and Other Services More Accessible to

                        Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth.  Toronto: Central Toronto Youth Services,


                        (76 p.)


Sinding, Christina; Grassau, Pamela; and Barnoff, Lisa.

                        “Community Support, Community Values: The Experiences of Lesbians

                        Diagnosed with Cancer.”  Women & Health 44(2) (2007): 59-79.

                                                Ref.: PsycINFO index, which notes that study set in Ontario

                                                and that “[t]wenty-six lesbians were interviewed about their

                                                experiences of cancer and cancer care”.


Social Services Network.

                        Directory of Services in Toronto’s Lesbian and Gay Community.  Toronto:

                        [The Network], 1988.

                                                Ref.: Brian O’Neill, Social Services to Homosexuals in Ontario, p. 40:

                                                information provided on 134 organizations, mainly in Toronto, with a

                                                few from other parts of Ontario.  Includes gay groups serving ethnic

                                                and visible minority groups.


Stermac, Lana E., and Sheridan, Peter M.

                        “Anti-Gay/Lesbian Violence: Treatment Issues.”  Canadian Journal of Human

                        Sexuality 2(1) (1993): 33-38.


Stevenson, Robin Hjordis.

                        “Social Work Education from a Lesbian Standpoint.”  MSW thesis, Wilfrid

                        Laurier University, 1995.

                        (170 p.)

                                                “Study looks at social work education from the standpoint of lesbian

                                                students and faculty.  The literature indicates that many social workers

                                                manifest signs of homophobia, and that this affects the provision of

                                                services to gay and lesbian clients.  The purpose of this study is to

                                                explore how issues of same-gender sexual orientation are addressed

                                                in schools of social work and to make recommendations for change….

                                                [I]nterviewed fourteen lesbians, including undergraduate and graduate

                                                students, recent graduates and faculty members from five Ontario

                                                schools of social work” – abstract from Canadian Research Index/UMI.


Sullivan, Terrence, and Schneider, Margaret.

                      “Development and Identity Issues in Adolescent Homosexuality.”

                        Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal 4(1) (1987): 13-24.

                                                “Reviews developmental issues for homosexual adolescents, and

                                                suggests directions for the development of professional services

                                                targeted to the needs of gay youth” – from abstract in Gay & Lesbian

                                                Issues: Abstracts of the Psychological and Behavioral Literature,

                                                1985-1996, p. 145.


“Support Groups Help Families of Gays, Lesbians.”  Canadian Jewish News 36(23)

                        (Oct. 5, 1995): 4.


Systems Failure.

                        SEE entry at Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights in Ontario, in this section.


“Tel-Aide Reaches Out to Help Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Jews [Toronto].”

                        Canadian Jewish News 35(7) (June 9, 1994): 21.


Travers, Robb, and Paoletti, Dino.

                        “The Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Youth Program (LGBYP): A Model for

                        Communities Seeking to Improve Quality of Life for Lesbian, Gay and

                        Bisexual Youth.”  Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 8 (Winter 1999):


                                                Description of the program of Central Toronto Youth Services.

                                                Reference might also appear as: SIECCAN Newsletter 34(2)

                                                (Winter 1999): 293-303, because Newsletter forms part of Journal.


Trueman, John, and Vos-Browning, Rhamona.

                        Beyond Oppression: Opening the Door to Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and

                        Bisexual Youth.  2nd ed.; Pitt Meadows, B.C.: Youthquest! Lesbian and

                        Gay Youth Society of British Columbia, 2000.

                        (pagination not known; Canadiana no. 009114009)

                                                Ref.: AMICUS catalogue prepublication record no. 24502770

                           See YOUTH ISSUES section of this Supplement under Vos-Browning for

                      reference to 1998 edition.


Trueman, John, and Vos-Browning, Rhamona.

                        A Crash Course on Queer Youth Realities.  2nd ed.; Pitt Meadows, B.C.:

                        Youthquest! Lesbian and Gay Youth Society of British Columbia, 2001.

                        (pagination not known; Canadiana no. 009115854)

                                                Ref.: AMICUS catalogue prepublication record no. 24742225


Walters, Bill.

                        “Using an Ecological Lens to Review and Understand Risk and Protective

                        Factors for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning (LGBTQ)

                        Youth.”  Relational Child and Youth Care Practice 20(1) (Spring 2007): 60-70.


We Are Your Children Too.

                        Toronto: Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, release date Dec. 31, 2000.

Electronic document, accessed January 28, 2003 at the following URL:


                                                Ref.: Sociological Abstracts, accession no. 000517.


“Without Comment.”  Social Worker 56(2) (1988): 75-78.

                                                Ref.: Brian O’Neill, Social Services to Homosexuals in Ontario, p. 47:

                                                “Reports the experiences of a young gay man growing up in foster care.

                                                Allan (a pseudonym) describes his physical and sexual abuse by foster

                                                parents, which appeared to be related to his sexual orientation.”

                                                Mentions lack of interest by social workers.


Zorzi, P.

                        “TAG: Operating a Peer Counselling Service in the 1970’s.”  Unpublished


                                                Ref.: Brian O’Neill, Social Services to Homosexuals in Ontario, p. 40,

                                                where short abstract is provided.  TAG is Toronto Area Gays.