There are quite a number of articles in the church organ, the United

            Church Observer, which the user should examine more carefully for

            a more detailed picture of the flow of the story regarding same-sex

            issues. This list attempts to point out some of what seem to be highlights

or summary presentations noted during searching, and what is included

here is certainly not a comprehensive listing of published items in that periodical.


Allen, David.

         “Gay Ordination Draws Broad Criticism.”  United Church Observer 51(11)

         (May 1988): 10-12.


Arnold, Abraham.

         “Sex, Politics and Religion.”  NeWest Review 14(1) (Oct./Nov. 1988): 24-27.

                     Gays; United Church; religion.


Bandy, Thomas G.

                        “The United Church of Canada: Crisis and Creativity.”  In The Sexuality Debate

                        in North American Churches, 1988-1995: Controversies, Unresolved

Issues, Future Prospects, pagination not known.  Edited by John Jesse Carey

and Victor Paul Furnish.  Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1995.

                             Ref.: OCLC catalog record, accession no. 31328897.

Barber, J.

         “Affirming the Status Quo.”  Maclean’s, August 27, 1984, p. 47.


Bird, John.

         “In the Pews, Life Goes On.” United Church Observer 61(9) [62(2)]

         (Sept. 1998): 25-27.

                     Clergy; United Church; gays.


Boyle, Sally M., 1952-

         Embracing the Exile: A Lesbian Model of Pastoral Care.  Dundas, Ont.:

         Artemis Enterprises; Etobicoke, Ont.: The United Church Publishing House,


         (144 p.; ISBN 1895247128 [Artemis]; 155134047X [United Church Pub.])

                     See also the listing in VIDEOS section of A Lesbian in the Pulpit, about

                     Sally Boyle.


“Celebration or Sin? A Same-Sex Covenant.” United Church Observer 56(2)

         (Aug. 1992): 12-13.

                     Trinity United, Vancouver.


“Church Rejects Change on Homosexual Issue.”  Globe and Mail, August 14, 1984,

         pp. 1, 2.

                     Regarding ordination of gays.


“Clerics Stay in Closet despite United Signal:  In 1988, the Church Decided

         to Fling Open Its Doors but Today There Is Scant Evidence That

         Congregations Accept Practicing Gays.”  Globe and Mail [Metro ed.],

         October 2, 1995, pp. A1, A6.


Corbett, Ron.

         “A Church Divided.”  Ottawa Magazine, March 1989, pp. 24-28+.

                     Question of ordaining homosexuals; United Church of Canada.


“Council Affirms Equal Marriage Policy.”  United Church Observer 70(3)

                        (October 2006): 34.


“Delay Asked on Gay Ordination Issue.”  United Church Observer 50(7)

       (Jan. 1987): 13.


“Does a Lesbian Belong in the Pulpit?”  Chatelaine, May 1989, pp. 125, 127+.

                     About United Church.


Duncan, Muriel.

         “Church Faces a Prolonged Struggle.”  United Church Observer 52(7)

         (Jan. 1989): 8-13.

                     Question of ordination of gays and lesbians.


Duncan, Muriel.

         “Council Affirms MMHS, Extends Olive Branch.”  United Church Observer

         54(3) (Sept. 1990): 10-13.

                     MMHS is “Membership, Ministry and Human Sexuality,” which

                     appears to be a report.  Compiler has not verified.


Duncan, Muriel.

         “A Decision to Live with Ambiguity.”  United Church Observer 52(4)

         (Oct. 1988): 13-20.

                     Concerns sexual orientation.


Duncan, Muriel.

         “Gay Ordination Moves One Step Closer.”  United Church Observer 51(9)

         (March 1988): 8-9.


Duncan, Muriel.

         “The Issue, 10 Years On: The Clamor of Battle Has Faded, and an Uneasy Peace

         Prevails.”  United Church Observer 61(9) [62(2)] (Sept. 1998): 24.

                     Clergy; gays; United Church.


Duncan, Muriel.

         “A Search for Common Ground on Gay Issue.”  United Church Observer 52(1)

         (July 1988): 13-14.


“Equal Marriage: Chronology of Marriage and Equality Rights in the United


                                                Electronic document at:


                                                (viewed October 03, 2008).


“Ex-Gay Leader ‘Falls off Wagon’.”  United Church Observer 50(12)

       (June 1987): 33.


Gault, John.

         “Sin and the Liberal Conscience: Disunity in the United Church over Gay and

         Lesbian Ordination.”  Toronto Life, September 1988, pp. 39-43+.


“Gay and Lesbian Ordination: What Our Readers Say.”  United Church Observer

         51(12) (June 1988): 10-11.


“Gay Blessings Recognized [General Council meeting].”  United Church Observer

64(3) (October 2000): 19-20.


“Gay Ordination Issue Still Hot.”  United Church Observer 50(4)

(Oct. 1986): 18.


Halfnight, Drew.

                        “Affirming Conference Makes United Church History.” 

                        United Church Observer 72(1) (July-August 2008): 36+  (2 pages)


Hay, Eldon.

            “Homophobia in a Small Town.”  Journal of Comparative Sociology and

            Ethics, 1996-1997, 23-24, 28-36.

                                    Citation presented exactly as it appears in Sociological

Abstracts (accession no. 9713917).  Compiler uncertain if 23-24 is

pagination or issue numbers, and was unable to verify.

“Examines the ways in which religious institutions both resist

& reinforce cultural norms & taboos. A case study is presented that       

focuses on the debate over the ordination of self-professed homosexuals

        in the United Church of Canada.  Editorials are presented from the

Sackville Tribune-Post, published in Sackville, New Brunswick…”—

                                    from Sociological Abstracts.


Hay, Eldon.

            “A Pastor’s Predicament: I Am a Committed Church Person and It Hurts

            Me to Operate Solo.”  Maclean’s [Toronto ed.] 114(47) (Nov. 19, 2001): 14

            (839 words).

United Church; New Brunswick.


Huntly, Alyson C.

         Daring to Be United: Including Lesbians and Gays in the United Church

         of Canada.  Etobicoke, Ont.: United Church Pub. House, c1998.

         (182 p.; ISBN 1551340828)

                     Review: Quill & Quire 64(12) (Dec. 1998): 21  (338 words).


Huntly, Alyson C.

                        Of Love and Justice: Toward the Civil Recognition of Same-sex Marriage.

                        [Writer: Alyson C. Huntly; developed by the Justice, Global, and Ecumenical

                        Relations Unit of the United Church of Canada].  Toronto: Justice, Global

                        and Ecumenical Relations Unit, The United Church of Canada, c2003.

                        (84 p.)

                                                Religious and legal/legislative aspects of same-sex marriage in Canada.

                                                Brief review by Janet Silman, United Church Observer 67(10)

                                                (May 2004): 45  (as referenced in CPI.Q index)


Jewell, Sara.

                        “Hate and Intolerance Are the New Abominations. Love Helps Eliminate

                        Them.”  United Church Observer 68(10) (May 2005): 32


Johnson, Fredrick Boyd.

         “Religion, Modernity and Homosexual Ordination in a Liberal Protestant

         Denomination.”  MA thesis, Lakehead University, 1993.

         (114 p.)

                     “Research involved a survey questionnaire completed by members/

                     adherents of a United Church of Canada congregation in Thunder Bay,

                     Ontario” – abstract from Canadian Research Index.


“Keepers of the Keys: The Issue That Unites a BC Congregation.”

         Maclean’s, May 1, 1989, p. 20.

                     Port Kells and United Church ordination of homosexuals.


Lefevere, Patricia.

         “The Man Amid the Furore [Furor?].”  United Church Observer 61(9) [62(2)]

         (Sept. 1998): 53-54.

                     Gays; United Church; John S. Spong.


Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Persons in Ministry: Consultation Report.

            Division of Mission in Canada and Division of Ministry Personnel &

            Education, United Church of Canada; edited by Ken DeLisle.

            Toronto: The Divisions, 1999.

            (56 p.)


“A Long and Unsettling Journey.”  United Church Observer 56(7) (Jan. 1993): 10-14.

                     Tim Stevenson and gay ministers.


McFarlane, Deborah.

         “The Question of the Ordination of Self-Declared Homosexual Persons: A Study

         of the United Church’s Position as a Symptom/Reflection of Canadian

         Modernity.”  MA thesis, Queen’s University, 1990.

         (120 p.)


McIver, Mary.

         “Sexual Orientation and the Pulpit.”  Maclean’s, May 30, 1988, pp. 48, 50.

                     Concerning United Church report “Toward a Christian Understanding

                     of Sexual Orientations, Lifestyle and Ministry.”


“Membership, Ministry and Human Sexuality: A New Statement of the United

         Church of Canada by the 32nd General Council.”  United Church Observer 52(4)

         (Oct. 1988): 44-45.


Moriyama, Margaret, and Smith, Robert.

         “My Bible Tells Me Gay Ordination Is Wrong/Right.”

         United Church Observer 51(11) (May 1988): 38-40.

                     Two opposing viewpoints.


“An Old Issue with a New Twist.”  United Church Observer 56(1) (July 1992): 10-13.

                     United Church and homosexuality.


“Openly Gay Minister Ordained.”  Globe and Mail, May 25, 1992, p. A5.

                     Timothy Stevenson in British Columbia, first openly-gay minister ordained.


“Our Issue Now an Issue for Anglicans Too.”

         United Church Observer 55(11) (May 1992): 21-22.

                     Concerns gay ordination.


“Panel Upholds Marriage Ruling.”  United Church Observer 68(4) (Nov. 2004):19


Pifer, John.

         “A Church Divided.”  Maclean’s, September 5, 1988, p. 56.

                     About the United Church policy on homosexuality.


“The Report: Split or Splinters?”  United Church Observer 52(8)

         (Feb. 1989): 11.

                     About United Church report on sexual orientation.


Riordon, Michael, 1944-

         The First Stone: Homosexuality and the United Church.

         Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, c1990.

         (301 p.; ISBN 0771075227)

                     Reviews: Stan Persky, Canadian Forum 69 (793) (Oct. 1990): 30-31, and

                     Presbyterian Record 116 (11) (Dec. 1992): 34.

Rumscheidt, Barbara.

             “Institutionalized Heterosexism.”  M.T.S. thesis, Atlantic School of Theology,


                 (ca. 203 leaves)


Rumscheidt, Barbara.

         “Institutionalizing Christian Heterosexism in Maritime Conference of the

         United Church of Canada.”  Resources for Feminist Research [Canada]

         19 (3-4) (1990): 75-80.

                     “Recounts how beginning in the mid-1980’s the Maritime Conference

                     of the United Church…adopted policies instituting the exclusion of

                     homosexuals from the ministry” – abstract from America: History and

                     Life index.


Rumscheidt, Barbara, and Lloyd, Betty Ann.

         “A Church Un-United.”  Broadside: A Feminist Review 10(2) (Nov. 1988): 3, 5.

                     Concerns United Church and gays.


“Same-Sex Civil Unions in Quebec [Montreal Presbytery].”  United Church Observer

                 66(4)(November 2002): 18


“Same-sex Ruling Appealed.”  United Church Observer 67(6) (Jan. 2004): 20

Ref.: CPI.Q index, which notes that this is appeal of General

Council’s ruling on same-sex marriage.


“Sexuality Issue Enters a Crucial New Phase [United Church].”

         United Church Observer 53(5) (Nov. 1989): 12-13.


Shapiro, Ivor.

         “The Benefit of the Doubt.”  Saturday Night, April 1990, pp. 32-40.

                     About gay ordination and the United Church of Canada.


Short, Peter.

                        “United Church Moderator Writes to MPs on Same-sex Marriage.”

                        Catholic New Times 29(3) (Feb. 13, 2005): 12  (766 words).


Sinclair, Donna.

            “Despite Advances, Gays, Lesbians Need Safe Place.”  United Church Observer

                 65(2) (September 2001): 14-15.


Sinclair, Donna.

         “For Some, A New Openness; For Others, The Closet Stays Shut.”

         United Church Observer 61(9) [62(2)] (Sept. 1998): 27-29.

                     Gays; clergy; United Church.


Sinclair, Donna.

         “Private Lives, Public Vows: Covenant Ceremonies Offer Gay and Lesbian

         Couples Support, Celebration and a Sense of Community.”

         United Church Observer  60(5) (Dec. 1996): 39-41.


Sinclair, Donna.

         “Talking Sex: A Struggle for Dialogue.”  United Church Observer 50(12)

         (June 1987): 32-33.


Sinclair-Faulkner, Tom.

         “Sexual Orientation and the United Church of Canada.”

         The Christian Century [Chicago] 101 (Aug. 8, 1984): 734+.


“Somewhere for Teens to Turn.”  United Church Observer 66(9) (April 2003):

                        40+  (2 pages).


Squire, Anne M.

         “Homosexuality, Ordination and the United Church of Canada.”

         Queen’s Quarterly 98(2) (Summer 1991): 338-352.


“A Time for Caution and Conciliation.”  United Church Observer 53(1)

         (July 1989): 9-10.

                     Membership, Ministry, and Human Sexuality statement.


“To Exclude or Not to Exclude.”  United Church Observer 53(9)

         (March 1990): 9-11.

                     Debate on ordination and commissioning of practising homosexuals

                     by the United Church.


Together in Faith: Inclusive Resources about Sexual Diversity for Study, Dialogue

            Celebration, and Action.  Mary Anne MacFarlane, editor/consultant; Bryan

            Teixeira, editor/writer; Maeve Wells, illustrations.  Toronto: United Church

            of Canada, Division of Mission in Canada, c1995.

            (58 p.; ISBN 0886223334)


“The United Church and Sexual Orientation.”  Briarpatch [Saskatchewan]

            18(8) (Oct. 1989): 24-25.


United Church of Canada. Division of Ministry Personnel and Education; United

     Church of Canada. Division of Mission in Canada.

     Toward a Christian Understanding of Sexual Orientation, Lifestyles and

     Ministry: Recommendations and Report to the 32nd General Council from the

     Division of Ministry Personnel and Education and the Division of Mission in

     Canada Meeting in Joint Session, February 19th, 1988. 

     S.l.: United Church of Canada, 1988.

     (ca. 118 p.)

                             Contents: I. Recommendations of the Divisions – II. Report –

                             III. Dissenting Statements – IV. Special Appendix from the Joint

                             Meeting – V. Attachments from the Report of the NGC for

                             Information Only.


United Church of Canada. National Coordinating Group for Programme & Study

            on Sexual Orientations, Lifestyles and Ministry.

            Sexual Orientations. Lifestyles and Ministry. Kit 1: Dialogue.

            Toronto: The Group, 1985.

            (1 vol., various pagings)


United Church of Canada. National Coordinating Group for Programme & Study

            on Sexual Orientations, Lifestyles and Ministry.

            Sexual Orientations. Lifestyles and Ministry. Kit 2: Dialogue.

            Toronto: The Group, 1986.

                 (1 vol., various pagings)


“United Church Study Rejects Ordination of Homosexuals.”  Globe and Mail,

         February 28, 1984, p. 3.


“A Welcome Unrealized.”  United Church Observer 52(11) (May 1989): 43-45.

                     Lesbians/gays in the United Church.


Wilson, David.

                        “Differences Linger on Marriage.”  United Church Observer 68(10)

                        (May 2005): 16+  (2 pages)


Wilson, David.

                        “ ‘In Line’ with Same-sex Ruling.”  United Church Observer 68(7)

                        (February 2005): 41+  (2 pages)