GLEANER (newspaper; Fredericton, New Brunswick)

Editorial hate [Fredericton Gleaner suggested quarantine for all with AIDS; claimed was a "curse" to have to spend public money on those who contracted disease through "unnatural acts"; much criticism].
P59 (v8n6)(Aug. 29, 1990): 18 (30cm.)
Rights in New Brunswick [third reading of bill "outlawing anti-gay discrimination in private and public sector employment, housing, public services, professional associations and signs"; amendment into effect May 20, 1992; New Brunswick the "sixth province or territory to protect gays and lesbians against discrimination"; "only public opposition...came from The Daily Gleaner, Fredericton's chronically homophobic newspaper..."; considerable number of background details given].
P73 (v10n4)(June 10, 1992): 12 (55cm.)