Artists rally [by Artists for Human Rights, a Saskatoon group, will take place April 30; "The Devine Comedy" scheduled for mid-June].
P40 (April 13, 1988): 34 (12cm.)
Human rights rally [report of April 30, 1988 rally at Saskatoon City Hall staged by Saskatoon group, Artists for Human Rights, to draw attention to homophobia and general intolerance within the ruling Saskatchewan Progressive Conservative government of Grant Devine; speakers included David Carpenter, Barb Clay, Peter Millard, and many other named individuals and groups]. By Astrid Egger.
P41 (May 18, 1988): 4-6 (77cm.)
Artists for Human Rights presents "The Devine Comedy," an evening of satire, music and comedy -- laugh Saskatchewan back to sanity, June 16 and 17 [display advertisement].
P41 (May 18, 1988): 33 (16cm.)
The Divine Comedy ["The Devine Comedy"; review of satirical performances inspired by anti-gay behaviour of Saskatchewan Progressive Conservative government of Grant Devine]. By L.G.
P42 (June 29, 1988): 16, 21 (34cm.)