Commentary -- a personal viewpoint [observations and opinions on Canadian gay periodicals, their goals; need for variety; etc.] By Gens Hellquist.
P36 (Oct. 21, 1987): 6-7 (65cm.)
; see also P37, p. 33 for letter response by Gary Kinsman for Rites Collective.
Kinsman in review [report of lecture by Gary Kinsman at The Photographer's Gallery, Saskatoon, Sept. 27]. By Peter Millard.
P36 (Oct. 21, 1987): 32-33 (39cm.)
Letters [letter from Gary Kinsman, author of The Regulation of Desire, expressing wish to speak with people directly affected by the anti-homosexual security campaigns in Canada in the 1950s and 1960s for purpose of gay historical research].
P89 (v12n4)(June 8, 1994): 4 (14cm.)
Apology demanded [report on the Gary Kinsman study into RCMP harassment of gays and lesbians in the 1950s and 1960s].
P120 (v16n3)(April 29, 1998): 29 (32cm.)