M v. H (legal case)

Lesbian litigation [M v. H legal case; M sues partner for spousal support payments; details and background information].
P88 (v12n3)(April 27, 1994): 23 (29cm.)
M versus H [case launched that challenges definition of spouse in Ontario's Family Law Act; M claims entitlement to spousal support from H after relationship breakdown; many details].
P100 (v13n7)(Oct. 25, 1995): 20 (35cm.)
Rewriting the law [report on ruling by Ontario Court, General Division, that gay/lesbian couples can sue for palimony; M v. H case; details].
P103 (v14n2)(March 13, 1996): 23 (43cm.)
Same rules don't apply [issues in the M v. H legal case concerning two Ontario lesbians and support payment; case is at appeal stage].
P107 (v14n6)(Sept. 11, 1996): 20 (19cm.)
Victory in Ontario [Ontario Court of Appeal "has ruled that same-sex couples must be treated the same as opposite-sex couples under family law"; this is a news article on the M v. H legal case decision].
P110 (v15n1)(Jan. 29, 1997): 23 (35cm.)
Palimony dispute settled [newsnote, which mentions also that Ontario government has launched an appeal to Supreme Court; regarding M v. H case].
P119 (v16n2)(March 18, 1998): 24 (13cm.)
Historic decision [Supreme Court of Canada ruled on May 20, 1999 in the M v. H case regarding rights of gay/lesbian couples; gave Ontario six months to amend its legislation to conform to ruling; other details].
P129 (v17n4)(June 2, 1999): 26 (50cm.)