See also heading POLICE and its subdivisions
[Newsnote that Nova Scotia Attorney-General Ronald Giffin tried to keep gays/lesbians out of RCMP by threat to opt out of Charter]. From The Body Politic and Globe and Mail.
P26 [1986]: 9 (24cm.)
Discriminatory laws [fighting now easier, as Ontario Divisional Court ruled to permit simplified procedure of "application" when challenge under Charter of Rights and Freedoms; additional comments on Court Challenges Program and on James Stiles complaint against RCMP for dismissal based on homosexuality]. By D.C.
P27 [1986]: 4 (22cm.)
Powder puffs [MP Gordon Taylor says RCMP should not have to hire "fairies"; reactions of other politicians, including Ontario MPP Susan Fish and MP Svend Robinson]. From Globe and Mail (Oct. 21/86), Edmonton Journal (Oct. 22, 1986), and Saskatoon Star-Phoenix (Oct. 30/86).
P28 [1986]: 14 (32cm.)
Fruit machine [federal government used the so-called "fruit machine" in attempt to detect gays/lesbians in the federal civil service in 1960s; hundreds fired as security risks; "RCMP witch-hunt continued until the end of Lester Pearson's administration in 1968"].
P73 (v10n4)(June 10, 1992): 18 (15cm.)
Maritime witch-hunt [RCMP taking photographs and interviewing those connected with Roddy MacLeod, gay man murdered in Sydney, Nova Scotia in November, 1992; objections to police tactics; etc.].
P79 (v11n2)(March 10, 1993): 20 (16cm.)
Predator with a badge [RCMP officer, Desmond Donnelly, facing criminal charges; alleged to have extorted sexual favours; other charges; alleged victim: Greg Garley; trial set for 1997 in BC Supreme Court; details].
P108 (v14n7)(Oct. 23, 1996): 22 (25cm.)
Apology demanded [report on the Gary Kinsman study into RCMP harassment of gays and lesbians in the 1950s and 1960s].
P120 (v16n3)(April 29, 1998): 29 (32cm.)
More APEC fallout [Svend Robinson learns that some demonstrators at last fall's APEC conference in British Columbia were being tracked in RCMP documents according to sexual orientation and HIV status; etc.].
P125 (v16n8)(Dec. 9, 1998): 23 (16cm.)
RCMP: stuck in 1950 ["while major cities across North America are actively recruiting gay and lesbian officers...the RCMP still routinely asks...candidates about their sexual orientation and is denying openly gay...officers advancement"; details, including comment that RCMP is breaking federal law by asking sexual orientation question].
P150 (v20n1)(Jan. 30, 2002): 27 (23cm.)
Can't bear cruising [report of an incident endured by a gay man at the hands of Constable Doug Trousdell in Bear Creek Park, Surrey, BC, in July; undercover officers wanted to know what he was doing in park and were "rude" and "unprofessional and threatening"; gay man said "the whole attitude was 'we're righteous and you're not. You should be happy we're not locking you up'"; other details, including mention that cops are equally determined in many other cities, including Saskatoon].
P171 (v22n6)(Sept. 15, 2004): 26-27 (36cm.)