Stall tactics [Bill Dwyer still trying, after three years of promises, to get spousal benefits for lover from City of Toronto; also Mary-Woo Sims has filed complaint against Metro Toronto and Province of Ontario].
P66 (v9n5)[misnumbered on contents page as v9n4](Aug. 14, 1991): 17 (21cm.)
New ruling in Ontario [Ontario Human Rights Commission has ruled province's municipal governments must start providing benefits such as health and dental care to same-sex spouses; "at the centre of the new ruling are two cases, the complaints of Mary-Woo Sims and Bill Dwyer"; details of the ruling].
P109 (v14n8)(Dec. 4, 1996): 22 (24cm.)
Lesbian heads commission [Mary-Woo Sims appointed chief commissioner of the new British Columbia Human Rights Commission; brief background information on Sims].
P111 (v15n2)(March 12, 1997): 22 (12cm.)