BOWLING (sport)

See additional relevant citations at SPORTS -- ALBERTA -- CALGARY
IGBO wants you [International Gay Bowling Organization, with 23,000 members, looking for members to establish more leagues in Region 6 -- Canadian Region].
P48 (v7n3)(April 12, 1989): 16 (8cm.)
IGBO Quilt Project [International Gay Bowling Organization, representing over 22,000 bowlers in Canada, the US, and Australia and New Zealand, initiated quilt project as memorial to those members who had died of AIDS; Paul Mankelow of Calgary's Apollo Friends in Sport co-ordinated project; unveiling was in Toronto on May 26].
P66 (v9n5)[misnumbered on contents page as v9n4](Aug. 14, 1991): 9 (31cm.)
Super sports weekend [newsnote that Northern Titans Ice Breaker Tournament for bowlers across the West has been sponsored for past eight years by Titans bowling league; this year tournament expanded to include curling, volleyball, badminton; weekend of November 12-14, 1999 in Edmonton; contact].
P132 (v17n7)(Oct. 27, 1999): 13 (12cm.)