Queers in school [overview of various actions in field of education in Alberta, including Alberta teachers' association approval of motion calling on Alberta government to amend legislation to include sexual orientation protection; inclusion last year by Calgary Board of Education of sexual orientation in harassment policy; University of Calgary's education of student pediatricians about lesbian/gay youth; Calgary Roman Catholic teacher's reported anti-gay comment; etc.].
P98 (v13n5)(July 26, 1995): 13 (28cm.)
Blue Jeans Day ["thousands" of University of Calgary students "turned out in blue jeans during Blue Jeans Day to show their opposition to" Ralph Klein government stand against same-sex marriage; other details; Blue Jeans Days were popular in the 1970s and 1980s on North American university campuses as way of showing solidarity with queer people].
P173 (v22n8)(Dec. 8, 2004): 21 (14cm.)