Canada Customs [Canadian Committee Against Customs Censorship (CCACC) challenging Canada Customs in court over banning of The Joy of Gay Sex]. By Gens Hellquist.
P28 [1986]: 28 (23cm.)
Fighting Customs [Canada Customs censorship being fought by Canadian Committee Against Customs Censorship, which won earlier case regarding The Joy of Gay Sex; Canada Customs continues censorship under internal memorandum D9-1-1; Committee has court date in new challenge; see also related article, "No Gay Sex," on same page, re printing of Alyson Publications work, Gay Sex].
P71 (v10n2)(March 18, 1992): 19 (31 plus 10 cm.)
We're "irrelevant"? [Ontario Divisional Court judge Frederick Hayes reserved judgement May 15 in case brought by the Canadian Committee Against Customs Censorship against Canada Customs use of Memorandum D9-1-1 for censorship of gay anal intercourse depiction; Crown argued that gays and lesbians were "statistically irrelevant" and couldn't be included in representation of national community standard; etc.].
P73 (v10n4)(June 10, 1992): 12, 17 (25cm.)