Human rights in Saskatchewan: quotes from the Marble Palace (Regina Branch) [statements of Gary Lane, Saskatchewan Minister of Justice and Gay White Caswell, MLA].
P16 [1985]: 11 (20cm.)
[Quotation attributed to Gay Caswell, as reported in Perceptions, from Alberta Report: "What is deemed homosexual rights is homosexual privilege at the expense of religious and family rights"].
P26 [1986]: 2 (2cm.)
Right against rights [mentioning right-wing groups and individuals opposed to protection in Saskatchewan law against sexual orientation discrimination; specific mention of Gay Caswell and the group Victorious Women; also Tom Schuck, Saskatchewan Pro-Life president]. By Gens Hellquist.
P36 (Oct. 21, 1987): 35 (24cm.)
Gay rights fight heats up [in Saskatchewan; anti-gay-rights names mentioned: Gay Caswell, Victorious Women of Canada, John Caswell, Tom Schuck; Chantel Devine, wife of premier, given VWOC award, as was Grant Schmidt; gay community forms Coalition for Human Equality to counter attacks; etc.]. By Gens Hellquist.
P37 (Dec. 1, 1987): 3-5 (91cm.)
Kameron's krazy krusade [Paul Cameron, "self-appointed American expert on homosexuality and AIDS...seems to make his living by spreading hate and misinformation about gays, lesbians and AIDS"; brought to Saskatchewan by small coalition including Gay Caswell, president of Victorious Women, and Rev. Mike McCarthy, a Roman Catholic priest from Elrose; etc.]. By Gens Hellquist.
P40 (April 13, 1988): 23-24 (67cm.)
Morality campaign fails [NDP defeats Conservatives in Saskatchewan provincial election; for a greatly expanded version of this citation, see heading ELECTIONS -- SASKATCHEWAN].
P68 (v9n7)(Nov. 6, 1991): 8-9 (105cm.)