Queer civil servants [lesbian/gay employees of British Columbia government have formed association; called Lesbian and Gay Provincial Employees Association; approximately 40 members; first open meeting August 31; information about the association].
P84 (v11n7)(Oct. 27, 1993): 21 (27cm.)


See also, e.g., some spousal benefits matters under EMPLOYMENT
Fruit machine [federal government used the so-called "fruit machine" in attempt to detect gays/lesbians in the federal civil service in 1960s; hundreds fired as security risks; "RCMP witch-hunt continued until the end of Lester Pearson's administration in 1968"].
P73 (v10n4)(June 10, 1992): 18 (15cm.)
Letters [letter about Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Lesbian and Gay Support Group; its objectives].
P78 (v11n1)(Jan. 27, 1993): 4 (32cm.)
Civil service rights [Canada Post ordered to pay benefits claim filed by Luc Guevremont in 1992 for partner, Raymond Milne].
P88 (v12n3)(April 27, 1994): 24 (13cm.)
Not separate but equal [newsnote that Federal Court judge, Andrew MacKay, says Ottawa cannot create "separate but equal" benefits plan for lesbians/gays; must integrate pension plans of same-gender couples into existing program; etc.].
P123 (v16n6)(Sept. 16, 1998): 23 (18cm.)
Another little victory [newsnote that a unit of Public Service Alliance of Canada "has won a tentative victory for 90,000 employees of the Treasury Board"; concerns same-sex spousal (non-pension) benefits; victory is "result of ten years of work..."; other details].
P126 (v17n1)(Jan. 27, 1999): 24 (12cm.)
The limits of diversity [author discusses policy of promotion of workplace diversity; annual federal government diversity survey does not include gays; some mention of federal civil service history of treatment of queers; need to push for recognition of queer employees; author's own effort in his workplace; etc]. By Jeff Dodds.
P164 (v21n7)(Oct. 22, 2003): 6, 8 (55cm.)