No benefits [Timothy Knodel suing B.C. government "over right of his now-deceased lover to have been enrolled in the provincial medicare plan as a dependent spouse; late lover, Ray Garneau; employer, University Hospital, had turned down his application].
P55 (v8n2)(Feb. 28, 1990): 17 (18cm.)
Denial of benefits a violation [British Columbia Medical Services Commission ordered to include same-sex couples in definition of spouse; ruling by B.C. Supreme Court Justice Anne Rowles in September; this is a result of case of Timothy Knodel, seeking benefits for partner, Ray Garneau; Medical Commission had refused benefits; lawyer for Commission said would likely appeal Justice Rowles's decision].
P67 (v9n6)[misnumbered on contents page as v9n5](Sept. 25, 1991): 12 (42cm.)