Gay parenting [including reviews of three books on the subject]. By Shawn Mooney, The Sheaf (University of Saskatchewan student newspaper).
P42 (June 29, 1988): 22-23 (64cm.)
The desire to parent.
P50 (v7n5)(July 12, 1989): 15, 22 (72cm.)
Childless by choice!? By Garnet Woloschuk.
P107 (v14n6)(Sept. 11, 1996): 7 (37cm.)
Gay moms OK [three separate studies, all released April 3, confirm that same-gender couples make fine parents; details].
P113 (v15n4)(June 4, 1997): 29 (11cm.)
Parents mag's 1st anniversary [news report about the "international GLBT parenting magazine, Alternative Family Magazine, [which] has gained a loyal and growing following"; details].
P127 (v17n2)(March 10, 1999): 19 (44cm.)
Parenting resource [Los Angeles report on launch of, "a new online community dedicated to gay & lesbian parents"; details and contact].
P152 (v20n3)(April 24, 2002): 28 (31cm.)
Vatican under attack ["is increasingly coming under attack for its position on same-sex marriage and the language that they use in urging Catholics to oppose any changes..."; rebuke from Canadian Psychological Association says "Vatican repeats misconceptions about gay and lesbian parents that have no basis in science"; there is no basis for saying that gays/lesbians raising children amounts to "doing violence to children"; comments of others; not all Roman Catholics agree with Vatican].
P163 (v21n6)(Sept. 10, 2003): 26 (25cm.)
Same-sex parenting approved ["Canadian Psychological Association has reported that children raised by parents of the same gender have shown no difference in their psychological growth or sexual orientation from those raised by heterosexual parents"; recommended also that society become more accepting with regard to same-sex parented families; the Association's declaration contradicts the Pope's pronouncement that "allowing children to be adopted by persons living in such unions would actually mean doing violence to these children..." and also arguments of religious group, Focus on the Family; brief report of experience of one Toronto lesbian couple, whose 11-year-old daughter has "done pretty well," but she's had experiences with homophobia].
P165 (v21n8)(Dec. 3, 2003): 25 (25cm.)
Queer parents get high marks [recent report indicates that children raised by gay and lesbian parents may experience advantages because of family structure; parents' relationships tend to be more "supportive and egalitarian"; study was used last September by Canadian delegation to United Nations meeting on Rights of the Child; other details].
P169 (v22n4)(June 2, 2004): 26 (25cm.)


Gays can't foster [Alberta Conservative government will not allow kids in care of province to be placed with any gay/lesbian foster parents; details].
P112 (v15n3)(April 23, 1997): 19 (20cm.)
Gay foster-parent policy [Alberta premier, Ralph Klein, says government does not have official policy denying gays/lesbians right to be foster parents; says information is being gathered to formulate policy; Lyle Oberg, social services minister, says unwritten policy will continue until gays/lesbians can provide "scientific proof" that they can provide healthy environment; etc.].
P113 (v15n4)(June 4, 1997): 11 (29cm.)
Presumed innocent until proven guilty -- ha! [in which author points out that gays are unfairly labelled as child molesters and criticizes the Alberta government for denying gays and lesbians the opportunity to be foster parents; evidence does not support such decisions and attitudes]. By Gens Hellquist.
P113 (v15n4)(June 4, 1997): 6 (39cm.)
Going to court [representatives of Alberta lesbian refused right to remain a foster parent are taking Alberta government to court; many background details].
P114 (v15n5)(July 30, 1997): 13 (48cm.)
Ms. T. fund-raiser [to be held at Faculty Club, University of Alberta, on October 23; Ms. T. is Edmonton lesbian told by Alberta government that she could no longer be a foster parent, after having cared "for 74 children over the past 18 years"].
P115 (v15n6)(Sept. 10, 1997): 14 (24cm.)
Government stalling [lesbian/gay rights activists demand Alberta premier meet to discuss policy of barring lesbians/gays from raising foster children; etc.].
P116 (v15n7)(Oct. 22, 1997): 19 (25cm.)
Fighting to adopt [two lesbian couples go to court in Alberta for right to adopt biological child of partner; details].
P116 (v15n7)(Oct. 22, 1997): 12 (24cm.)
On to the courts ["after months of debate it appears that Ms. T is going to court to force the [Alberta] government to halt its practice of discrimination against lesbians and gays as foster parents"; other details].
P117 (v15n8)(Dec. 3, 1997): 20 (17cm.)
Ms. T in court [concerning Alberta government's ban on lesbians/gays as foster parents].
P120 (v16n3)(April 29, 1998): 12 (17cm.)
Supporting gay adoptions [Calgary United Churches call on Alberta United Churches to support their petition calling on provincial government to permit adoptions by gays and lesbians; government has been taken to court over issue by two lesbian couples; etc.].
P128 (v17n3)(April 21, 1999): 11 (19cm.)
Adoptions possible [some changes made in Alberta law in May; same-gender step-parents allowed to adopt step-children; two Calgary lesbians still waiting to hear if can adopt foster children in their care for years; etc.].
P130 (v17n5)(July 28, 1999): 11 (18cm.)
Waiting for the outcome [newsnote that court decision expected soon in Alberta on whether non-biological parent in relationship will be permitted to adopt; result of suit by two lesbian couples; additional comments].
P131 (v17n6)(Sept. 15, 1999): 12 (19cm.)
Adoption victory [in Alberta; two lesbian couples had gone to court when non-biological partner was refused right to adopt partner's biological child; details and brief background; reactions].
P133 (v17n8)(Dec. 8, 1999): 14 (29cm.)


A.I. okay in B.C. [lesbian couple in British Columbia challenged Dr. Korn for withholding insemination services; physician ordered to pay compensation and legal expenses; details].
P99 (v13n6)(Sept. 13, 1995): 24 (19cm.)
Adoption rights recognized [in British Columbia; Bill 31, which deals with child custody and support on relationship breakup, passes with large majority; Family Relations Amendment Act changes definition of "spouse" so that a "marriage-like relationship" now includes same-sex relationships; details, including opposition from an openly-gay MLA; bill still requires royal assent at time of this report].
P115 (v15n6)(Sept. 10, 1997): 24 (33cm.)
The final barriers [newsnote that two British Columbia lesbian couples taking provincial government to court "over one of the last laws that discriminate against same-sex couples"; couples want to register both partners as parents of newborn conceived through assisted insemination; feel that being required to go through adoption procedure discriminatory].
P143 (v19n2)(March 14, 2001): 26 (14cm.)
The government giveth... [NDP government of British Columbia caused Vital Statistics agency to accept listing of lesbian partner of biological mother as other parent on birth certificate, which permitted bypassing of lengthy adoption process; now new provincial Liberal government has asked for review of this procedure].
P152 (v20n3)(April 24, 2002): 28 (12cm.)
Who rules whose rules? [lengthy report with example cases concerning difficulties, despite the law, that bureaucrats have created in cases of birth registration of children of same-sex lesbian couples, and related adoption matters; Ontario case of Zo Newman and a British Columbia case handled by lawyer Barbara Findlay; details].
P157 (v20n8)(Dec. 4, 2002): 22 (62cm.)


Discrimination OK [Maurice Vellacott, Saskatoon-Wanuskewin Alliance MP, has called for removal of clause in federal reproductive technologies legislation; is offended that a clause states no discrimination on basis of sexual orientation; comments of others; bill is before Parliament].
P159 (v21n2)(March 5, 2003): 11 (29cm.)


See related items at ADOPTION -- MANITOBA


They're keeping her son [Emma Blackburn moves to Halifax from Oregon, temporarily leaving son with friend in Montana; now friend has temporary custody; etc.].
P125 (v16n8)(Dec. 9, 1998): 23 (21cm.)


Just one mom for Simon [Margaret Buist loses attempt at custody or role as a mother to Simon, son of ex-partner Lorraine Greaves; Madame Justice Mary Lou Benotto rules that Buist was neither Simon's primary caregiver nor mother; said also Buist's lesbianism not a consideration; etc.].
P115 (v15n6)(Sept. 10, 1997): 26 (19cm.)
Who rules whose rules? [lengthy report with example cases concerning difficulties, despite the law, that bureaucrats have created in cases of birth registration of children of same-sex lesbian couples, and related adoption matters; Ontario case of Zo Newman and a British Columbia case handled by lawyer Barbara Findlay; details].
P157 (v20n8)(Dec. 4, 2002): 22 (62cm.)


See related item at ADOPTION -- QUÉBEC


Letter to Roy Romanow [Saskatchewan NDP leader, from five lesbian parents, concerning Romanow's "great personal difficulty with homosexuals adopting children" and his apparent discomfort with homosexuality].
P64 (v9n3)(April 24, 1991): 6 (53cm.)


Queer parents group [formation of Gay and Lesbian Parent Group of Saskatoon].
P91 (v12n6)(Sept. 14, 1994): 19 (23cm.)
Invisible families [concerning gay parents, their partners, and children; often invisible in community; Gay and Lesbian Parents and Partners group started January 1995 at Gay and Lesbian Health Services, Saskatoon; forum to be held Sept. 26 to get input about kind of group needed; etc.].
P99 (v13n6)(Sept. 13, 1995): 11 (34cm.)
Parents meeting [a few years ago a group formed in Saskatoon, assisted by Gay & Lesbian Health Services; that group folded, but new group in process of forming].
P116 (v15n7)(Oct. 22, 1997): 14 (16cm.)
Queer parents [Gay and Lesbian Health Services "has received short-term funding... [to develop] a support group for lesbian and gay parents...[and] support systems for children being raised by lesbian and gay parents"; project will begin Nov. 1; some goals mentioned; contact information].
P132 (v17n7)(Oct. 27, 1999): 10 (36cm.)


If you help make it, you have to help it grow [Delaware (USA) case in which lesbian ex-partner to pay child support, even though state does not recognize same-sex couples; "three similar decisions in Pennsylvania and a similar case is being tried in California"; other details].
P152 (v20n3)(April 24, 2002): 28 (18cm.)