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Situation in South Vietnam
Date of Creation:
November 3, 1965
Date of Declassification:
January 12, 1996
Type of Document:
Weekly report
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
23 p., 2 maps
Communist military activity in South Vietnam again increased in intensity last week, as a number of larger-scale attacks were mounted while a high rate of guerrilla-type activity was sustained. The bulk of significant Communist actions occurred in the northern part of the country; some of these attacks were conducted by North Vietnamse troops. MACV has recently confirmed two additional regiments, both considered to be North Vietnamese-infiltrated units, in the Viet Cong order of battle. MACV also reports evidence of considerable repositioning of Viet Cong units in II and III Corps in recent days. South Vietnamese and US forces last week scored a higher rate of contact with the Viet Cong in large-unit and small-unit operations. Despite increased casualty and weapons lossess on both sides, there was a narrowing of the kill- and weapons loss-ratios favoring the government as compared to the previous week. The political situation appeared somewhat relaxed, on the surface, as Saigon celebrated its new National Day, the second anniversary of the Diem regime's overthrow. Nevertheless, considerable subsurface restiveness persists, partly pegged to the government's complex economic difficulties.
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