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Vietnam elections situation report no. 1
Date of Creation:
September 2, 1967
Date of Declassification:
July 20, 1993
Type of Document:
Intelligene memorandum
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
2 p.
The CIA Station in Saigon advises that the VC have apparently learned a lesson from last year's fiasco when they advertised that they would smash the Constituent Assembly elections and actually did very little. This time they are promising less and doing more. The number of significant incidents of Communist violence is now at least three or four times normal and well above last year's pre-election level. Significant enemy-initiated activity has increased during the week throughout South Vietnam. While none of this recent activity has had the impact of the earlier shelling of Can Tho, the assault on Quang Ngai, or the attak on Thang Binh District headquarters, recent terrorist actions do show the enemy's capability to hit the people. To date, however, we have seen no evidence that this terrorism is likely to cause a significant reduction in voter turn-out.
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