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Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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Situation in South Vietnam
Date of Creation:
February 7, 1964
Date of Declassification:
October 23, 1977
Type of Document:
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
11 p., 1 map
The situation in South Vietnam [political situation: Khanh intends to emphasize winning the support of the peasantry; Minh will be made titular Chief of State, Khanh will retain the Premiership and the Chairmanship of the Military Revolutionary Council; Gen. Harkins favors US support for Khanh; Khanh has not broken relations with France despite his objections to French proposals of neutralization. Military situation: increased Viet Cong activities include daylight attacks, ambushes, harassing action, and terrorism; activities are geared towards discrediting the new regime in Saigon. Economic situation: rate of rice collection and shipments has decreased and no longer allows for a surplus for export. Situation in North Vietnam: Hanoi's foreign policy is under review and has resulted in a general recall of ambassadors; agricultural problems may lead to a loss in morale but support of the insurgency in South Vietnam will not be affected]. Memorandum, SC No. 03344/64. Feb. 7, 1964. 11 p., map. Security classification not given. SANITIZED copy. Released Oct. 23, 1977. Johnson Library, NSF, Countries, Southeast Asia, Vol. 1, Special Intelligence Material.
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