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Catholic Citizen's Bloc states position on South Vietnamese elections
Date of Creation:
August 3, 1967
Date of Declassification:
February 28, 1980
Type of Document:
Intelligence information cable
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
4 p.
On 26 July 1967, members of the former directorate of the Catholic Citizens Bloc (CCB) met to discuss the Catholic position on the coming elections. These discussions are preliminary, and represent Catholic views at this time. The bishops of Vietnam will meet on Assumption Day, 15 August, at which time they will discuss the Catholic position in the elections. Results of meeting: 1) Propose to Thieu-Ky that their ticket will receive full support of Catholics if they will agree to appoint Tran Van Huong as Prime minister if Thieu-Ky ticket is elected; 2) Decide to support 6 lists of candidates for the Upper House of the National Assembly.
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