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Plans for a coup d'etat in Central Vietnam by the reformed VNQDD
Date of Creation:
May 18, 1963
Date of Declassification:
March 22, 1985
Type of Document:
Information report cable
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
3 p.
Shortly after the 8 May incident in Hue, Nguyen Van Luc received a plan for a coup d'etat in Central Vietnam from the Central Committee of the Central Vietnam Thoat Xac Phong Trao (TXPT).... The TXPT has been developing since 1958 from the Vietnam Quoc Dan Dang (Vietnamese Nationalist Party), particularly those elements in Central Vietnam, the VNQDD stronghold. The TXPT, although composed entirely of former VNQDD members, was established essentially as a Buddhist association and has been legally engaged in civic and social activities since its formation. Clandestine political organization has proceeded for the purpose of developing new, younger leaders, and of denying the older passive tenets of Buddhism as well as the older leaders of the VNQDD, the ultimate intent being a revitalized revolutionary spirit. (Comment: Luc is the father and accomplice of Nguyen Van Cu, one of the two pilots who bombed the Presidential Palace on 27 February 1962).
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