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Full-text documents may be available online from Texas Tech University's Virtual Vietnam Archive.

Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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Nhu's role in South Vietnam's government
Date of Creation:
September 20, 1963
Date of Declassification:
March 22, 1985
Type of Document:
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
3 p.
1. Dr. Tran Kim Tuyen's departure for Cairo. 2. Tuyen's departure had adverse effects on his coup group. 3. Army generals were not ready yet to mount coup against Diem regime. 4. Ngo Dinh Nhu's thoughts on dealing with DRV. 5. Lt. Col. Ky Quang Liem was in trouble after criticizing Special Forces' bad handling regarding girls schools in Saigon. 6. Nhu told close friend that he was going to do something very surprising. 7. Movement of military units to support attempted coup was going fairly well.
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