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Vietnamese Ambassador to the United States Bui Diem's assessment of the influence of the anti-war group in the United States...
Date of Creation:
March 10, 1967
Date of Declassification:
May 14, 1992
Type of Document:
Intelligence information special report
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
2 p.
At a meeting with Prime Minister Ky, Vietnamese Ambassador to the United States Bui Diem reported his impressions after less than two months in Washington. He noted the influence of popular attitudes against American involvement in Vietbam and the possible consequences of that influence. One of Ky's advisors took issue with Diem's fears that the United States might try to "make a deal" with the USSR to force a coalition government of Nationalists and Communists on South Vietnam. While agreeing in general with Diem's analysis, Prime Minister Ky twice stated his conviction that the greatest impact the GVN could hope to have in influencing American foreign policy would be the continued development of the current trend toward stability.
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