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Vietnamese government reactions to impending peace talks and measures being considered by the government
Date of Creation:
April 5, 1968
Date of Declassification:
August 4, 1992
Type of Document:
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
5 p.
President Thieu and Vice President Ky have been meeting privately and also with cabinet members to discuss the question of negotiations. Specific subjects considered have been full mobilization; the need to streamline the government (GVN), including the creation of a war cabinet; and the need to demonstrate national unity and discipline. Thieu and Ky seem to agree that the National Assembly must be told in no uncertain terms that it cannot continue its present role of "national irritant". The GVN is unprepared for negotiations; the Foreign Ministry has not prepared position papers on the question, and the GVN has not decided what it would and would not accept, there is a great lack of understanding of what the National Liberation Front (NFLSV) and North Vietnam might or might not accept. However, all GVN officials agree that a coalition government with the NFLSV would be unacceptable. Thieu has maintained his composure, but he is relying too much on things that might not happen. Ky is taking a more realistic approach and is insisting that the GVN should prepare for the possibility that the US may be determined to extricate itself from Vietnam regardless of the price. As a result of the crisis, Thieu and Ky are working more closely together than ever before, and Ky has been telling his followers that they need Thieu and must give Thieu all possible support and excellent counsel. One danger facing the GVN is that the Viet Cong may suceed in convincing the people that they have won the war, thus creating a bandwagon mentality. In such event, the GVN would be unable to function. One positive aspect is that there is no effort by anyone to harass the government. Even Police Chief Loan has offerred Thieu an absolute guarantee that he will not create trouble for Thieu in this time of crisis.
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