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Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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Plans for the VC Tet attack on Danang City : General Giap's strategy for the Communist general offensive
Date of Creation:
February 20, 1968
Date of Declassification:
June 15, 1995
Type of Document:
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
5 p.
Plans for the VC attack on Danang City were outlined to a group of select cadres on 22 January by Ho Phuoc, Secretary of the Quang Da-Da Nang Special Zone Committee. Although the VC realized they would be outnumbered and would be wiped out if they attempted to stay in the city, they felt thay had to make the attack to carry out their part of the overall of the general offensive. The strategy for the offensive was devised by General Vo Nguyen Giap and approved by the Hanoi Cabinet. The USSR later also approved the plan and speeded up delivery of arms and armor so that the VC/NVA would be prepared before October 1967. Giap's strategy entailed two phases and, since Phase 1 failed, Phase 2 (Plan No. 2) will now be placed in effect. The big action will occur in the Western Highlands and Khe Sanh. Giap's plan is to force the GVN to sue for peace under Hanoi's conditions.
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