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Viet Cong general offensive plans for Danang, Hue, Quang Tri and other centers in Viet Cong Military Region 5
Date of Creation:
February 20, 1968
Date of Declassification:
June 15, 1995
Type of Document:
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
2 p.
A Viet Cong prisoner captured in Danang revealed that, from briefings he received during November-December 1967, he learned that the Viet Cong planned to take the following steps in Danang City in connection with the projected general offensive: A) Besiege the city and prevent resources from entering it; B) Wage a war of nerves against the city; C) Attack the airfield by rockets to blockade Government of Vietnam and allied troops within the city; D) Increase shelling of the airfield should allied troops provide only artillery and air support for Government of Vietnam troops and try to protect their own bases; E) Should allied troops be deployed to reinforce Government of Vietnam troops, retreat from the city and try to besiege the surrounding area while awaiting the outcome of the Khe Sanh and Westen Highlands (Pleiku-Kontum) battlelfields. The Viet Cong would then launch a general offensive or ask for negotiations, depending on their position.
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