1999 Pride Awards [Edmonton's Parents, Friends and Families of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and the Transgendered (PFLAG-T) presented community service awards at their June 19 picnic during Pride Week; Julie Lloyd received Maureen Irwin Award; Dennis Cambly received Michael Phair Award; new award this year, the Sheryl McInnes Award, went to Deb Shogan; Pride Certificates to a number of other (named) individuals and groups; details of contributions of recipients].
P130 (v17n5)(July 28, 1999): 19 (31cm.)
Contributions recognized [number of awards presented during Pride Week in Edmonton; 2000 Michael Phair Award to Fred Dicker; Maureen Irwin Award to Janet Campbell; Sheryl McInnes Award to Garnett Epp; the Larry Sand Award, a new award for work by a business in support of queer community, to The Roost Nightclub; list of a number of other awards and their recipients].
P138 (v18n5)(Aug. 2, 2000): 14 (31cm.)