Government of Saskatchewan
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    Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Saskatchewan! Healthy people. A healthy province.
Click to see Budget 2010-11 details
Ministry Plan and Annual Report
Click for health and medical information at HealthLine Online
Visit the Health Careers in Saskatchewan website:
Did you know?

Your pharmacist will apply an automatic $15 per prescription limit for children 14 and under, (for drugs in the Formulary, or with approved Exception Drug Status). Outside Saskatchewan, save your receipt and apply for reimbursement.

Being healthy is more important than achieving a specific weight. Information on HealthLine Online.

Information on effects of alcohol and drug abuse, prevention and treatment.

Meeting the health needs of the province’s child and youth population is both a priority and a challenge for the government of Saskatchewan.

The program removes cost barriers to appropriate medical treatment for children who require an insulin pump to manage their diabetes.

Practising good oral health can prevent tooth decay and other health problems.

Health education programs.

A free, confidential 24-hour health advice telephone line, staffed by registered nurses.

Health information at your fingertips.

Benefits provided to low income families, individuals or families receiving Social Assistance, seniors on fixed incomes and those whose drug cost are high in relation to their income.

Some tips for eating healthy and staying fit.

Who to contact with questions or concerns about services, treatment, how decisions were made, or access to care.

There are many short- or long-term medical conditions that can be protected against.

Early exposure to gambling can lead to problems.

Resources promoting healthy choices, health and wellness for children and youth.

developed to provide families and care providers with options for accessing services on behalf of youth who are unwilling or unable to engage in voluntary service for severe substance abuse or substance dependence.

Tobacco use poses serious risks to your health, and those around you.

Signs of depression, and warning signs of suicidal thoughts.

Be aware of the risks involved with sexual activity.

© 2010 Government of Saskatchewan. All rights reserved.