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subjects starting with 'P'.

Number of subjects: 33

Peekokut (1 title)
Pierce, Edward Michell - Biography (1 title)
Pioneer experiencences - Broadview, Saskatchewan (1 title)
Pioneer experiences - Alberta (3 titles)
Pioneer experiences - Cannington Manor, Saskatchewan (1 title)
Pioneer experiences - Manitoba (2 titles)
Pioneer experiences - Prince Albert, Sask. - 1880s (1 title)
Pioneer experiences - Saskatchewan (14 titles)
Pioneer experiences - Saskatoon (3 titles)
Pioneers - Cannington Manor, Saskatchewan (2 titles)
Pioneers - Prince Albert, Saskatchewan (1 title)
Pioneers - Saskatchewan (3 titles)
Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker) Plains Cree Chief (20 titles)
Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker) Plains Cree Chief - Biography (2 titles)
Plains Cree (5 titles)
Plaxton, Cicely (Mrs. Amos) - Recollections (1 title)
Political agitation - Saskatchewan - 1884 - 1885 (3 titles)
Political issues - Prince Albert, N.W.T. - 1884 (2 titles)
Popular movement - Saskatchewan - 1884 (1 title)
Porter, A. A. (1 title)
Porter, Andrew Everett (3 titles)
Poundmaker reserve (2 titles)
Prince Albert Historical Society (1 title)
Prince Albert Historical Society - Minutes - 1925 (1 title)
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan - Description (1 title)
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan - History (13 titles)
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan - History - 1880s (4 titles)
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan - Map (1 title)
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan - Mayors (1 title)
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan - Pioneers (3 titles)
Pritchard, John - Biography (1 title)
Provincial autonomy (1 title)
Pryce, James - Biography (1 title)

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