This is a selected bibliography of secondary sources about the history of the University of Saskatchewan. Most of the sources listed on this guide are available for consultation at the University Archives and Special Collections. Many of the published items are also available the general library stacks. The sources that are not available at the USask library may be available through the library's interlibrary loan service.

Check the USask history articles database for more USask history sources.


Facts about the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon-Regina. Unpublished, [1960].

Avery, Cheryl. "Oasis for Learning: Landscaping the University of Saskatchewan". Saskatoon History Review 21 (2007), 11-24.

Hayden, Michael. Seeking a Balance: The University of Saskatchewan 1907-1982. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1983.

Hayden, Michael. "Why Are All Those Names on the Wall? The University of Saskatchewan and World War I". Saskatchewan History 58, no. 2 (2006): 4.14.

Hayden, Michael. An Unauthorized History of the University of Saskatchewan (PDF 63 KB). University of Saskatchewan Essays, 2008.

Jantz, Betty and Louise Barak. University of Saskatchewan: A Photo Album. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1997.

Kerr, Don. "Building the University of Saskatchewan, 1907-1930". Prairie Forum 5 (1980): 157-81 [available in Don Kerr fonds]

King, Carlyle. Extending the Boundaries: Scholarship and Research at the University of Saskatchewan 1909-1966. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1967.

King, Carlyle. The First Fifty: Teaching, Research and Public Service at the University of Saskatchewan, 1909-1959. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1959.

Lamb Drover, Victoria. "A place for everyone, but everyone in their place: the inclusion of female students, staff, and faculty at the University of Saskatchewan, 1907-1922." M.A. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 2009.

Lamb Drover, Victoria. "Presbyterian Professor on the Prairies: The role east-coast Presbyterian faith played in ensuring co-education for women in Canada's prairies, 1907-1937." (PDF 60 KB) Paper presented to Biennial Boston College Conference on the History of Religion, March 2012.

McLeod, T.H. (chair). Report of the Committee on the Role of the University of Saskatchewan within the Community . Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1972.

Morris, James Percival. A Study of the Socio-Intellectual-Cultural Climate of the University of Saskatchewan . Unpublished Master's thesis. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1969.

Morton, A.S., revised and edited by Carlyle King. Saskatchewan: The Making of a University . Toronto: University of Toronto Press for University of Saskatchewan, 1959.

Morton, A.S., introduction and annotations by Cheryl Avery and Patrick Hayes. "Written in Letters of Gold": A.S. Morton's History of the University of Saskatchewan's First 25 Years (PDF 3.25 MB) University Essays, 2006.

Murray, Jean. "The Contest for the University of Saskatchewan". Saskatchewan History 12 (1959): 1-22.

Pitsula, James M. "Manly Heroes: The University of Saskatchewan and the First World War". In Paul Stortz and E. Lisa Panayotidis, eds., Cultures, Communities, and Conflict: Histories of Canadian Universities and War . University of Toronto Press, 2012.

Spafford, Duff. "University of Saskatchewan Pottery". Saskatoon History Review 21 (2007), 44-49.

Spinks, J.W.T. Decade of Change: The University of Saskatchewan 1959-1970. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1972.

Taft, Michael. Inside These Greystone Walls: An Anecdotal History of the University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1984.

Tennant, Colin and Andrew Wallace. "Sustainable Planning at the University of Saskatchewan". Saskatoon History Review 24 (2011), 32-40.

Thomas, Lewis Herbert. The University of Saskatchewan, 1909-1959 . Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1959.

Thompson, W.P. The University of Saskatchewan: A Personal History . Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970.

Thomson, James Sutherland. Yesteryears at the University of Saskatchewan 1937-1949 . Saskatoon: Modern Press, 1969.

Colleges and departments


Bell, J. Milton. Hoofprints to reprints: The history of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Animal Science and Animal and Poultry Science, University of Saskatchewan, 1909-1989. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, College of Agriculture, 1996.

Brydon, Thomas. Thirty Years with Livestock at the University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon: Saskatchewan Co-operative Producers Limited, 1945.

Department of Horticulture, University of Saskatchewan: 1921-1969, 1969-1976 (2 vols.) University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Agriculture.

Cohen, R. D. H. and Kim Harder. Termuende Research Station, The First Ten Years, 1974-1984: Management, Production and Research. Department of Animal and Poultry Science, 1984 University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Agriculture.

College of Agriculture Highlights: 75th Anniversary Edition, 1911-1986. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, College of Agriculture University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Agriculture.

Expanding Horizons, Planting the Seeds of Discovery. Department of Crop Science and Plant Ecology, 1991. University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Agriculture.

Howell, K. E. Harder, E. A. Summach and C. E. Yazak, comp. and ed. Seventy-Five Years of Research 1912-1987, Sheep Unit. Department of Animal and Poultry Science, 1987. University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Agriculture.

Kirk, L.E.. Recollections and Reminiscences: Early Years in the College of Agriculture. Saskatchewan History 12 (1959): 23-30.

Soil Science Department History 1912-1942 and Diary, November 1942-May 1963. Typescript, compiled 1976. University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Agriculture.

Stillborn, A.A. Origins of the School of Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan, 1912-1957. Unpublished. [School of Agriculture fonds, RG 2027]

Thacker, P.A. History of the Department of Animal and Poultry Science (1984-2012); 2 volumes.

Yuzak, C.E. and H. H. Nicholson. The Beef Cattle Research Unit, 1963-1986. Department of Animal and Poultry Science, 1986. Also in University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Agriculture.

Arts and Science

Currie, Balfour. Physics Department, 1910-1976. University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1976. University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Arts and Science.

Department of Chemistry, 1959. University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Arts and Science.

Hayden, Michael. History of the University of Saskatchewan History Department. Saskatoon History Review 21 (2007), 3-10.

Hayden, Michael. Seventy Years Later: A History of the Department of History. Typescript, 1978. University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Arts and Science.

Henderson, Lisa J. History of the Department of Art and Art History. Typescript, 1995. University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Arts and Science.

King, John D.H. The Emma Lake Workshops, 1955-1970: A Documented Study of the Artists' Workshops at Emma Lake, Saskatchewan, of the School of Art, University of Saskatchewan, Regina, from 1955 to 1970. Typescript, 1972. Copy available at Saskatoon Public Library, Local History Room.

Rempel, Richard. The Culture of the Biology Department at the University of Saskatchewan: c. 1913-1963. Saskatoon History Review 21 (2007), 25-43.

Spafford, Shirley. No Ordinary Academics: Economics and Political Science at the University of Saskatchewan, 1910-1960. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000.

Staff of the Department of Biology; The First Fifty Years, 1913-1963. Unpublished.

Whitbread, Victor F. ACT ONE: Emrys Maldwyn Jones and the University of Saskatchewan Drama Department; A Review, 1945-1974. Unpublished (Victor Whitbread fonds, MG 362)

Wright, Donald. History at the University of Saskatchewan from EH Oliver to Hilda Neatby. University of Saskatchewan Essays, 1999.


Nola Buhr et al. Institutional Dances: How the First Accounting Degree in Canada Came to Be at the University of Saskatchewan. Canadian Accounting Perspectives 5, no. 1 (2006), 113-43


 Andersen, Marion Scribner. A Look at the First Fifty Years of Award Winners in the College of Education. University of Saskatchewan, 1981 University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Education.

Guy, Allan R. A Tradition of Excellence: A Commemorative Document to celebrate the Sixty-fifth Anniversary of the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon: College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, 1994.

Langley, G.J. Fifty Years with the College of Education. College of Education, 1977? Also in University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Education.


College of Engineering: Its History, 1912-1982 [videorecording]. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, Division of Audio-Visual Services and College of Engineering, 1982?

E is for Engineering: 100 Years. College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 2012.

Macdonald, R.H. Thorough: An Illustrated History of the College of Engineering, 1912-1982. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1982.

Mantle, John B. Some Historical Notes and Recollections about Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 1912-1966. Typescript, 1999. J.B. Mantle faculty biography file, RG 2103.


McLean, Scott. Reaching Out Into the World: A History of Extension at the University of Saskatchewan, 1910-2007. Saskatoon: University of Extension Press, 2007.

Paul, L.C. Extension at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, 1910-70: A History. Saskatoon: Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan, 1979.

Home Economics

Kernaleguen, Anne P. Fabric of My Life. [Saskatoon], 2007. (Student experience; available at Saskatoon Public Library, Local History Room)

Rowles, Edith Child. Home Economics in Canada; The Early History of Six College Programs: Prologue to Change. Saskatoon: Modern Press, 1964.


Bilson, Beth. "Prudence Rather Than Valor": Legal Education in Saskatchewan 1908-1923. Saskatchewan Law Review 61 (1998): 341-375.

College of Law, 1913-1967. College of Law booklet, 1967. University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Law.


Buchan, D.J. Greenhouse to Medical Centre: Saskatchewan's Medical School 1926-78. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1983.

Fiddes, John and Louis B. Jacques. Reminiscences from the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Saskatoon: Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Saskatchewan, 1968? University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Medicine.

Horlick, Louis. Medical college to community resource : Saskatchewan's medical school 1978-1998. Saskatoon: College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, 1999?

Rayner, N. Department of Bacteriology, 1919-1963. Typescript, 1963. University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Medicine.


Brown, Yvonne M.R., Barbara L. Smith and F. Barry Brown, 70 years of nursing education at the University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon: College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan, 2008.

Willis, Lucy. Fifty Years: Just the Beginning. College of Nursing, 1988. University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Nursing.

Veterinary Medicine

Bigland, Christopher H. WCVM, The First Decade and More: The History of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Saskatoon: Western College of Veterinary Medicine, 1990.

Bigland, Christopher H. I am VIDO: From Vision to Reality. Veterinary Infectious Disease Organization. Saskatoon, VIDO, 1988.

Administrative units

Kavanaugh, Robert. History of Computing at the University of Saskatchewan: The First Three Decades, 1957-1987 (PDF 3.16 MB). Unpublished, October 2007.

Affiliated institutions

Campbell, Eleanor. Reflections of Light: A History of The Saskatoon Normal School (1912-1953) and The Saskatoon Teachers' College (1953-1964). Saskatoon: College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, 1996.

Horlick, Louis. "They built better than they knew": Saskatchewan's Royal University Hospital, A History, 1955-1992. Saskatoon: Louis Horlick, 2001.

Murray, Jean. The Early History of Emmanuel College. Saskatchewan History 9 (1956): 81-101.

Pitsula, James M. An Act of Faith: The Early Years of Regina College. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, University of Regina, 1988.

Poelzer, Irene. Federation in the University of Saskatchewan: St. Thomas More College. Unpublished Master's thesis. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1967.

Sanche, Margaret. Heartwood: A History of St. Thomas More College and Newman Centre at the University of Saskatchewan. Muenster: St. Peter's Press, 1986.

Wotton, Patricia. With Love, Lydia: The Story of Canada's First Woman Ordained Minister. Winnipeg: D & P Wotton Publishing, 2012. [Lydia Gruchy - St. Andrew's College]

Biographies, autobiographies, and selected faculty writings

Barnhart, Gordon L. E.H. Oliver: A Study of Protestant Progressivism in Saskatchewan, 1909-1935 (PDF 8.91 MB). M.A. Thesis, University of Regina, 1977.

Bateman, Reginald. Reginald Bateman, Teacher and Soldier: A Memorial Volume of Selections from his Lectures and Other Writings. Published for the University of Saskatchewan by Henry Sotheran and Co., London, 1922.

Champ, Joan. Laying the foundations: Arthur Silver Morton and his Early Saskatchewan Heritage Activities. Unpublished Master's thesis. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1990.

Coggins, Jack. A Chaplain's War: Edmund Henry Oliver and the University of Vimy Ridge, 1916-1919 (PDF 160 KB). University Essays, 2004.

Hadwen, Seymour. "The Gentle Scholar Who Worked Upstairs": Seymour Hadwen, Internationally Renowned Professor of Animal Diseases (PDF 66 KB). University of Saskatchewan Essays, 2008.

Hayden, Michael, ed. So Much to Do, So Little Time: The Writings of Hilda Neatby. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1983.

Horlick, Louis. J. Wendell Macleod: Saskatchewan's Red Dean. Montreal: McGill-Queen's Press, 2007.

Murray, David R. and Robert A. Murray. The Prairie Builder: Walter Murray of Saskatchewan. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1984.

Rempel, Richard. Research and Reform: W.P. Thompson at the University of Saskatchewan. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013.

Spinks, J.W.T. Two Blades of Grass. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1980.

Stoicheff, Boris. Gerhard Herzberg: An Illustrious Life in Science. Ottawa: NRC Research Press, 2002.

Stokes, Lawrence D. Canada and an Academic Refugee from Nazi Germany: The Case of Gerhard Herzberg. Canadian Historical Review 57 (June 1976): 150-170.

Thompson, Margaret W. A Memoir of Mrs. W.P. Thompson. Saskatoon History Review 24 (2011), 21-27.

Sports and student activities

Athletic Wall of Fame. University of Saskatchewan, 1984? University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Physical Education.

Ferguson, Les. The Rusty Macdonald Athletic Award, A History of Recipients. University of Saskatchewan, 1997 University Publications fonds, RG 2129, Physical Education.

Heiber, Karen. The Greystone Review '84: 75 Years of Students at the U of S.

Kennedy, Michael P.J. Dogs on Ice: A History of Hockey at the University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon: Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame and "Friends of the Huskies", 2006.

Lamb Drover, Victoria. "ParticipACTION: How 'Video Killed the Radio Star'. The Rise and Fall of Health Promotion in Canada, 1971-2001" (PDF 170 KB). Paper presented at meeting of Canadian Historical Association, Congress 2012, Waterloo, Ontario.

Ore Gangue. The Concentrates: University of Saskatchewan, 1909-1959, Golden Jubilee. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1959. MG 135, Ore Gangue fonds

Ransom, Diane. Pioneers and Performers: Sport 1909-1984, University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1984.

Rempel, Richard. Academics, Athletes and "All-Rounders": Some Distinguished Students from the Classes of 1928-1932 at the University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon History Review 18 (2004): 6-15.

Robertson, D.F. The University of Saskatchewan Contingent, Canadian Officers Training Corps (PDF 140 KB). University Essays, 2006.

Spafford, Duff. Stop the presses! Looking back on 100 years of Sheaf alumni in the media. From Sheaf centennial site, May 2012.