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Increased supplies shipped to the southern part of North Vietnam during the fourth quarter of 1965
Date of Creation:
December 30, 1965
Date of Declassification:
May 19, 1981
Type of Document:
Intelligence brief
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
9 p., 1 map
Supplies shipped into the three southernmost provinces of North Vietnam during October, November and December increased at a progressive rate each month during the period and appeared to be far in excess of the needs of the construction units and troops estimated to be stationed in the area. The excess supplies presumably are being stockpiled, used to maintain much larger units than are believed to be located in the southern provinces of North Vietnam, or infiltrated into Laos and South Vietnam at a much higher rate than has been estimated in the past. Most of the shipments consisted of rice, followed by gasoline, military items, and machinery and tools. This expanding movement of supplies during the fourth quarter clearly demonstrates that the North Vietnamese are maintaining an effective makeshift transport system in the southern provinces in spite of US/GVN air attacks.
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