Document abstracts from U.S. Declassified Documents Online are included with permission from the Gale Group. U.S. Declassified Documents Online requires a subscription to access. Current USask library patrons can use their NSID and password to access the collection through our subscription. The USask Library cannot provide access to full-text documents for anyone outside our institution. Check with your local library to see if they subscribe.

Full-text documents may be available online from Texas Tech University's Virtual Vietnam Archive.

Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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135 documents contain the indexing term VINH
Documents 1 to 50 are shown below
ID Document
00548 24 January 1965 deliberations of Armed Forces Council (January 25, 1965)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
00928 Agreement between Chief of State Thieu and Prime Minister Ky that Thieu, as President, will be a figurehead and Ky, as Vice President, will retain control after the elections (July 3, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: April 6, 1993
00480 Analysis of political situation in South Vietnam on 3/14/66 (March 14, 1966)
Declassified: August 20, 1980
01177 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex VIII: Vietnamese Communist views on the likely length of the war (August 26, 1996)
00479 Anti-government protests in South Vietnam discussed (March 11, 1966)
Declassified: August 20, 1980
00798 Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam (1 April - 30 June 1968) (June 30, 1968)
Declassified: November 1, 1987
00403 Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam (through 14 May) (May 21, 1966)
Directorate of Intelligence memorandum; SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: November 25, 1977
00792 Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam (through 16 October 1967) (October 1, 1967)
Declassified: October 1, 1987
00795 Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam (through 18 December 1967) (December 1967)
Declassified: October 1987
00796 Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam (through 31 December 1967) (December 1967)
Declassified: October 1987
00889 Areas of disagreement between representatives of the Directorate and Constituent Assembly concerning revision of the draft constitution (January 21, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: February 8, 1993
00891 Arrest and detention of military officers by order of Director General of National Police in connection with the removal of Deputy Prime Minister Co (January 25, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: February 8, 1993
00238 Background to coup d'etat plotting suggesting involvement of Col. Huynh Van Ton and Gen. Duong Van Duc (September 13, 1964)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: November 9, 1976
00554 Buildup of Vietnamese Communist forces continues after resumption of air attacks (February 21, 1966)
Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: February 20, 1981
00583 Cable bridges in North Vietnam (September 20, 1966)
Intelligence memorandum; SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: February 4, 1984
00436 Campaign developments and outlook in four delta provinces as viewed by a Thieu-Ky campaign worker (August 21, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00049 Case for higher guerrilla strengths based on shortcomings in the MACV RITZ Reporting System (May 2, 1968)
Declassified: July 16, 1975
00172 Communist air reaction to US strikes in North Vietnam (May 21, 1965)
Joint CIA-DIA-State memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: August 30, 1976
00225 Communists' ability to recoup their Tet military losses (March 1, 1968)
Joint Office of Current Intelligence/Office of Economic Research memorandum; SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: April 18, 1977
00441 Contigency plans to rig elections in Vinh Long province in favor of Thieu-Ky ticket (August 30, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00419 Corps commanders' aid to Thieu-Ky campaign and assessment of Thieu's and Ky's different personalities by--- (August 5, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00821 Decision of tribal autonomy movement (FULRO) to reject validity of results of 25 - 26 June 1967 Pleiku Conference of Montagnard Representatives (August 11, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 13, 1989
00430 Decisions taken by senior generals at meeting on 3 and 4 August 1967 (August 11, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00155 Deliberations of Armed Forces Council (AFC) on 24 January (January 25, 1965)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
00274 Description of US objectives (April 1966)
Declassified: March 31, 1978
00503 Desires of North Vietnamese officials to eliminate International Control Commission team sites in North Vietnam (May 5, 1964)
Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: April 27, 1976
00951 Dissension among South Vietnam's generals (August 2, 1966)
Intelligence memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL
Declassified: December 16, 1993
00789 DOD authorizes 2/19/65 strikes against North Vietnam (February 19, 1965)
Declassified: November 19, 1986
00067 Efforts of Pham Ngoc Thao to get support for a coup d'etat attempt (August 29, 1964)
Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: May 24, 1976
01210 Failure of the Viet Cong to establish liberation committees (July 8, 1968)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: February 22, 1991
00425 Functioning and aims of "Inner Circle" of Generals who exercise power of decision in South Vietnam (August 10, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00104 Identification of the "Young Turks" group of military commanders and their views concerning General Nguyen Khanh and other matters (October 2, 1964)
Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: July 27, 1976
00432 II Corps commander General Loc's recommendations for government montagnard policies (August 17, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00923 Inconclusive results of meeting of senior Vietnamese generals to discuss presidential candidacy of Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu and Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky (April 3, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: April 5, 1993
00572 Increased supplies shipped to Southern North Vietnam (January 6, 1966)
Declassified: February 20, 1981
00571 Increased supplies shipped to the southern part of North Vietnam during the fourth quarter of 1965 (December 30, 1965)
Intelligence brief; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: May 19, 1981
00843 Initial assessment of popular reactions in the provinces to the Viet Cong Tet Offensive (February 7, 1968)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: February 22, 1991
00423 Instructions given to unofficial Thieu-Ky campaign workers in Vinh Long and Sa Dec provinces (August 10, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00719 List of military officers involved in coup (November 1, 1963)
Declassified: July 2, 1985
00212 Loyalties of the Armed Forces commanders and the possibility of success if a coup d'etat is attempted : situation appraisal as of 31 August 1964 (September 1, 1964)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
00269 Military plans for a revolutionary government to replace the present government of South Vietnam (June 11, 1965)
Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: July 22, 1977
00302 North Vietnamese crisis (August 12, 1964)
Declassified: November 8, 1977
00442 Obstacles to planned manipulation of election in favor of the Thieu-Ky presidential ticket in Vinh Long province (August 31, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
01208 Pacification in the wake of the Tet Offensive in South Vietnam (March 19, 1968)
Intelligence memorandum; SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: June 22, 1990
00065 Plans of Col. Pham Ngoc Thao to mount a coup ... (August 28, 1964)
Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: May 24, 1976
01065 Politically significant groups in South Vietnam (May 4, 1966)
Intelligence memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL
Declassified: June 11, 1998
00447 Prime Minister Ky's view that General Thi may have lost support of the populace and may be engaged in political moves against the government (March 4, 1966)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: October 11, 1979
00098 Probable developments in Vietnam to July 1956 (October 11, 1955)
National Intelligence Estimate; SECRET; ORIGINAL
Declassified: November 4, 1975
01054 Probable reactions to various courses of action with respect to North Vietnam (January 2, 1964)
Declassified: March 11, 1998
01198 Recent activities in Norh Vietnam south of the 20th parallel (July 2, 1968)
Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: December 28, 1988