Document abstracts from U.S. Declassified Documents Online are included with permission from the Gale Group. U.S. Declassified Documents Online requires a subscription to access. Current USask library patrons can use their NSID and password to access the collection through our subscription. The USask Library cannot provide access to full-text documents for anyone outside our institution. Check with your local library to see if they subscribe.

Full-text documents may be available online from Texas Tech University's Virtual Vietnam Archive.

Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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20 documents contain the indexing term SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILES
ID Document
00471 Downing of U.S. aircraft by surface-to-air missile (July 26, 1965)
Declassified: October 14, 1976
00553 DRV SAM defenses expanding (February 16, 1966)
Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: February 20, 1981
00350 Furure Soviet moves in Vietnam (April 27, 1965)
Special memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: March 3, 1978
01242 Measures to conserve electricity in Hanoi; rerouting of bridge traffic; defense measure to protect dikes (May 14, 1967)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 1, 1992
00333 Reports circulating in the United Nations about Soviet responses to the Vietnam crisis (February 15, 1965)
Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: January 23, 1978
00469 Review of Soviet shipping to North Vietnam (July 7, 1965)
Declassified: October 14, 1976
00513 Selected Soviet references to intervention in Vietnam (April 23, 1965)
Declassified: November 24, 1981
00085 Situation in South Vietnam (February 3, 1965)
Office of Current Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: August 24, 1976
00602 Situation in South Vietnam No. 4 (as of 7:00 AM EST) (January 31, 1968)
Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: October 6, 1983
00334 Situation in Vietnam (February 17, 1965)
Office of Current Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: May 19, 1978
00453 Soviet and Chicom military actions (May 3, 1967)
Declassified: June 17, 1980
00569 Soviet military preparedness with respect to the Vietnam situation (March 23, 1965)
Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: May 3, 1984
01395 Soviet military presence in North Vietnam (September 3, 1965)
Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: July 2, 1996
00477 Soviet officials' views on Vietnam War and U.S.S.R. aims in Europe (April 3, 1967)
Declassified: June 10, 1980
00272 Status of Soviet and Chinese military aid to North Vietnam (September 3, 1965)
Office of Current Intelligence special report; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: October 9, 1976
01420 Status of Soviet and Chinese military aid to North Vietnam (September 3, 1965)
Declassified: December 4, 2001
01392 Status of Soviet military assistance to North Vietnam (April 15, 1965)
Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: July 2, 1996
00512 Status of Soviet military assistance to North Vietnam (April 15, 1965)
Office of Current Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: November 24, 1981
01233 Status report on SAMs in North Vietnam (June 29, 1965)
Intelligence Memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 29, 1992
00474 U.S. F4C aircraft shot down in Hanoi area (August 1, 1965)
Declassified: October 14, 1976