Document abstracts from U.S. Declassified Documents Online are included with permission from the Gale Group. U.S. Declassified Documents Online requires a subscription to access. Current USask library patrons can use their NSID and password to access the collection through our subscription. The USask Library cannot provide access to full-text documents for anyone outside our institution. Check with your local library to see if they subscribe.

Full-text documents may be available online from Texas Tech University's Virtual Vietnam Archive.

Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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9 documents contain the indexing term US AID FOR SOUTH VIETNAM
ID Document
00151 Alleged concern of majority of general officers that trend of relations with the United States may lead to withdrawal of U.S. aid (December 31, 1964)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 27, 1976
00196 Comments of Ngo Dinh Nhu on possible changes in US policy toward South Vietnam (August 27, 1963)
Declassified: March 2, 1977
01037 Presidential meeting on Vietnam : 6 May 1964 (May 6, 1964)
Declassified: July 27, 1995
00255 Probable consequences of certain US actions with respect to Vietnam and Laos (May 25, 1964)
Special National Intelligence Estimate; TOP SECRET; ORIGINAL
Declassified: April 12, 1976
00122 Problems of political development in South Vietnam over the next year or so (December 15, 1966)
National Intelligence Estimate; SECRET; ORIGINAL
Declassified: November 4, 1975
00614 Seeking of American support for the overthrow of the Diem regime (March 20, 1963)
Information report cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: March 11, 1985
00149 Thich Tri Quang's belief that Nguyen Khanh engineered the events of 20 December (December 24, 1964)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: September 24, 1976
00117 Thich Tri Quang's denial that the Buddhists publised an article derogatory of American aid (February 2, 1965)
Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: May 17, 1976
01074 Views of Ngo Dinh Nhu on possible reduction in foreign aid and on (September 12, 1963)
Information report cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED
Declassified: July 18, 1996