Picture of  Maha Kumaran

Maha Kumaran MA, MLIS, PhD Faculty Rank: Librarian

Acting Assistant Dean, Collections and Discovery; Liaison librarian for the College of Education

2003.7A Education and Music Library


I am the liaison librarian for the College of Education. My primary responsibilities are to provide reference and instruction, assist or collaborate in research with faculty, and select and manage resources for the Education and Music Library collection.


My research program is in the area of diversity in librarianship. My research is primarily directed towards equity, diversity, and inclusion among the library workforce, diversity in library collections and services, and libraries’ ability to meet and serve the needs of diverse user groups. In this context, I am the initiator and co-founder and currently of the Visible Minority Librarians of Canada Network. You can find more about my research through my ORCID.

As a librarian, I have worked with many faculty as the librarian-expert on many research-related topics. I train students and RAs on finding relevant literature for the research topic, conducting literature reviews, finding non-predatory publications and conferences and have participated in writing and editing papers with faculty.

Research areas: Diversity, multiculturalism, leadership, academic libraries.

My Research Guides