Picture of  Rachel Sarjeant-Jenkins

Rachel Sarjeant-Jenkins MLIS Faculty Rank: Librarian

Associate Dean, Academic Engagement

Pronouns: she/her

122.1 Murray Library


As associate dean, I am responsible for overseeing the liaison librarian program (outreach, teaching, and research support), library service delivery, student academic skills support, and the library as physical and virtual space. Prior to joining the university, I was Chief Librarian of a small public library in Canada, librarian for the Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, and head of a small public library in England.

I am interested in change management, leadership, and how academic libraries can best support their institutions in excelling in research, teaching, learning, and knowledge creation. 

Clerical Support: for scheduling requests, please contact Megan Bonsan


As a practitioner-researcher, my practice informs my research and my research, in turn, informs my practice. I have experienced the value of partnerships in strengthening and expanding services, the importance of library as place in a society where there are fewer and fewer spaces that are welcoming and open to all, and the necessity of successfully and smoothly shifting our service and organizational approaches to meet changing users needs.

My current research program looks at partnerships, with a particular focus on joint use library partnerships as a structure for sustainable library service in rural and remote communities. I am also interested in exploring libraries as social infrastructure and their role in helping to build social capital.

Research areas: joint use libraries, partnerships, libraries as social infrastructure, change management