Browse by author

authors starting with 'D'.

Number of authors: 26

Daoust, Charles R. 1865-1924 (2 titles)
Davidson, William McCartney (2 titles)
Day, Lillian (1 title)
Deane, R. Burton, 1848-1930 (1 title)
Delaney, Theresa Fulford (1 title)
Dempsey, Hugh Aylmer (5 titles)
Dempsey, James (1 title)
Denison, Lt.-Col. George T., 1839-1925 (1 title)
Denny, Cecil Edward, Sir, 1850-1928 (1 title)
Dhand, Harry (1 title)
Dickason, Olive Patricia, 1920- (2 titles)
Dickens, Francis Jeffrey (3 titles)
Dobbin, Murray (1 title)
Dominion Historic Sites Board (1 title)
Donkin, John G. (1 title)
Douglas, Mrs. John (1 title)
Douthwaite, Louis Charles (1 title)
Drake, Earl G. (2 titles)
Driben, Paul (1 title)
Drolet, J. (1 title)
Duff, Louis Blake, 1878- (1 title)
Dumont, Gabriel, 1838-1906 (2 titles)
Dunlop, Allan C. (1 title)
Dunn, Jack F. (1 title)
Durkin, John (1 title)
Dyck, Noel (2 titles)

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