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authors starting with 'H'.

Number of authors: 17

Hall, Dorothy (1 title)
Hamilton, Marie Albina Bonneau (1 title)
Hamilton, T. (1 title)
Harris, John Walter (1 title)
Hatt, Ken (2 titles)
Haultain, Arnold, 1857-1941 (1 title)
Hawkes, John (2 titles)
Henry, Patrick (1 title)
Hewlett, A. E. M. (3 titles)
Hildebrandt, Walter (1 title)
Hill, Douglas Arthur (1 title)
Hines, Rev. John, 1850-1931 (1 title)
Howard, Joseph Kinsey, 1906-1951 (2 titles)
Huel, Raymond Joseph Armand (4 titles)
Hughes, Owen A. (1 title)
Humphrys, Frank (1 title)
Hunt, Lester Milton (1 title)

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